Warning! This article contains spoilers for Avengers #53

In a recent peek into Thanos’ true motives behind his villainous actions, Marvel Comics confirmed that Loki knows the Mad Titan better than his own MCU movies. The Marvel Cinematic Universe beautifully adapted Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos Quest in the groundbreaking crossover film Avengers: Infinity War. However, with those adaptations came a number of changes made to the character in order for Thanos to better fit into the established universe of the MCU. In Avengers: Infinity War, Loki called out one of those changes and proved his intimate understanding of Thanos’ character as it was established in the Avengers’ latest comic book adventure. 


In Avengers #53 by Jason Aaron and Juan Frigeri, the Avengers are under attack by a group of multiversal villains aimed at eliminating every single Avengers team from all conceivable universes. One of those villains is a younger version of Thanos who quickly proved himself to be just as malicious and cruel as his original counterpart. When the multiversal villains attack the Avengers’ base, which is made out of a Celestial corpse, Thanos reveals his true motivations behind his lust for power. 

When Thanos infiltrates the Avengers’ base, he looks around in wonder as he is standing in the body of a godly cosmic being. Thanos quickly begins to carve into the giant corpse in order to better examine its inner structure to see how this creature came to be a god. Upon conducting his crude dissection, Thanos says to himself, “To see for myself … how a god works. So that … I could become one too.” By speaking it through the voice of a young Thanos himself, Marvel Comics confirmed that Thanos’ lust for power stems from his desire to become a god. While Thanos may argue his only intention is to win the heart of Mistress Death, or in the movies, only to bring about balance to the universe, it becomes clear that he has ulterior motives and that Loki understood them better than anyone. 

In the MCU film Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos kills Loki by strangling him to death with the same hand that held the Infinity Gauntlet. Before Loki died, he uttered one final insult to the Mad Titan, “You will never be a god.” While the films made it clear that Thanos had no intention of wielding the stones to become a god, as shown in the sequel film Avengers: Endgame, Loki’s insult proved that he understood Thanos’ true character as it was in the comics better than those responsible for writing Thanos’ film adaptation. 

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The MCU films obviously wanted to go another way with Thanos’ character as they made him more of a genocidal environmentalist/humanitarian rather than a power hungry maniac but if one compares the film version with Thanos from the comics, it seems as though the movies didn’t know him at all. However, MCU’s Loki understood Thanos perfectly which is why he wanted to hit him where it would hurt with his last insult, saying that no matter what he does he will never attain godhood. In the movie, Loki’s insult meant nothing to Thanos. However, in the comics it may have stung a little as Marvel Comics just revealed that Thanos has always wanted to become a god which proves that Loki knows him better than his own MCU movies.

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