While Marvel and DC Comics crossovers are seemingly a thing of the past, a surprising source may hold the key to allowing these beloved fictional universes to intersect. In the current era where Warner Bros. owns DC and Disney has Marvel, the Avengers and Justice League never cross paths as they once did from time to time. However, both publishers have relationships with Epic Games to create crossovers between their universes and the ever-popular Fortnite. Now, a new Marvel tie-in series is in the works, and with it the possibility for a new Marvel/DC crossover.

Marvel’s relationship with Epic Games and Fornite began in 2018, beginning with a limited-time game mode where players could equip the weapons of the Avengers and fight Thanos. However, 2020 saw the arrival of the Nexus War, an entire Marvel-themed season of Fortnite featuring skins of popular heroes culminating in a major battle with Galactus. The season also had a single-issue tie-in comic which served as a prelude. However, DC Comics and Fortnite have also had a great relationship with several in-game hero skins available for purchase as well as Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point, a six-issue miniseries from DC writer Christos Gage and Epic’s Donald Mustard with art by Reilly Brown. Featuring Batman’s arrival on Fortnite Island, the Dark Knight was depicted trying to escape the time loop of battles to make it back to Gotham through the game’s interdimensional Zero Point. There was also a one-shot comic from the same writing duo and Scott Snyder featuring Batman teaming up with Dwayne Johnson’s Fortnite character as they tried to prevent the Batman Who Laughs from coming to the island.


At the moment, Fortnite players can hop in a match and equip Spider-Man’s web-shooters (the season’s biggest added feature) all while playing as various DC heroes if they so choose. Clearly, Fortnite is the potential bridge between the two publishers, especially now that a new Marvel/Fortnite series has been announced. Dubbed Fortnite X Marvel: Zero War, this new series will be a five-part adventure from the same writing duo as Batman Fortnite: Zero Point (with artist Sergio Davíla). With a vast, interconnected multiverse established in prior stories, this new series is already a technical bridge between the worlds, and sows the seeds for a potential crossover in the near future.

Seeing as how the last Marvel/DC crossover was 2004’s JLA/Avengers from Kurt Busiek and George Perez (which almost didn’t happen due to editorial disputes), a new crossover is still largely a long shot. That being said, if any entertainment entity has the pull to get both publishers to work together it would be Epic Games. As unconventional as it may seem, Fortnite could be the vehicle to finally make a new crossover happen for fans of both universes. Fortnite has never stopped being popular since its release in 2017, and its crossovers with Marvel and DC have resulted in its highest revenues to date, with even the tie-in comics being well received by fans.

Putting Marvel and DC heroes together for a massive battle royale for the ages seems like it would be a win for all parties involved: publishers, developers, and fans alike. Regardless of whether comic readers are fans of Fortnite or notit may be one of the only feasible ways for a Marvel and DC Comics crossover to happen in the modern era. At the very least, here’s hoping Gage and Mustard throw in some DC Easter eggs when Fortnite X Marvel: Zero War releases this June.

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