Marvel Future Revolution should take advantage of the popularity of Black Panther by not only adding the hero to the roster of playable characters, but by also bringing Wakanda into the game. It’s now been over two months since Marvel Future Revolution added Magik to its roster of playable heroes, bringing the total number of playable characters in the game up to nine. While Magik was a breath of fresh air for many Marvel and X-Men fans, bringing a lesser-known hero into the fold, Marvel Future Revolution should change it up with its next hero and bring one of Marvel’s most popular heroes into the game. Not only is Black Panther one of Marvel’s most popular and beloved heroes, but his introduction into the game could also lead to the introduction of the nation of Wakanda.


In fact, this strategy has already been proven successful by Marvel’s Avengers’ War for Wakanda DLC, which brought Black Panther in as a playable character, while also using his addition to introduce its expansive and impressive version of Wakanda. Black Panther himself would also make an excellent addition to Marvel Future Revolution’s roster, joining an already impressive cast that includes fellow Avengers like Captain America and Iron Man. Making Black Panther playable would also let players team the hero up with his on-again-off-again love interest, Storm, who has been playable since the game’s launch and is a popular fan favorite. The introduction of Black Panther could be what Marvel Future Revolution needs to help convince many of its lapsed players to return to the game, many of whom may have left due to what they feel is a lack of meaningful content.

Unfortunately, all of the recent character additions to Marvel Future Revolution have been companions. The companion system has drawn frustration from many players due to its reliance on gacha mechanics as well as the companions’ lack of impact outside of stat boosts. This has led to a lack of interest for new companions, despite recent additions of popular heroes such as Daredevil and Ghost Rider. However, as a playable character, Black Panther could bring in an impressive and diverse set of abilities, ranging from impressive martial prowess (bolstered by superhuman abilities granted by the panther god, Bast) to various Vibranium gadgets and technology designed by his sister, Shuri. This range can help Black Panther to blend the abilities of more martial heroes, such as Captain America and Spider-Man, with the technology of a character such as Star-Lord.

Black Panther Can Bring Wakanda To Marvel Future Revolution

Not only would Black Panther be a fun and unique character to play as, but he can also help to finally bring Wakanda into the game. As one of Marvel’s most unique and interesting locations, Wakanda appears in games like Marvel’s Avengers and Marvel Ultimate Alliance and is frequently among the best locations to visit in Marvel’s games. One of Marvel Future Revolutions biggest selling points is the game’s multiple open-world locations, pulling from some of Marvel’s most popular locations, such as Asgard, Sakaar, and Xandar. However, the game still has not brought its interpretation of Wakanda into the game. With Wakanda’s unique locales, interesting characters and cultures, and fascinating history in the Marvel universe, it would make for a perfect location in-game. Marvel Future Revolution already contains several unique interpretations of existing Marvel locales and seeing the game’s spin on Wakanda would undoubtedly be a treat for Marvel fans.

Seeing T’Challa added as a playable character in Marvel Future Revolution would help fans of the character get their fix until Marvel finally gives Black Panther his own game. Not only would his presence help to add a beloved character with a unique skill set into the game, but his popularity may help to bring lapsed fans back to the game. In fact, a playable Black Panther might even bring a wealth of new players to Marvel Future Revolution, especially with a new Black Panther film on the way.

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