Warning: contains spoilers for Fantastic Four #28!

Franklin Richards is one of the most fascinating characters of the Marvel Universe. The son of Reed Richards and Susan Storm of the Fantastic Four, he has long been held as one of the most powerful characters in the universe. Until recently, that is, when he lost all of his powers. However, recent events have indicated Franklin Richards will regain his abilities and a destiny that stretches to the very end of the universe.

Franklin Richards first technically appeared in Fantastic Four Annual #6 in November 1968, though he wouldn’t be named until two years later, in Fantastic Four #94. Even as a toddler, Franklin began manifesting the immense ability to warp reality, making him the target of everyone from Onslaught to Mephisto. As of late, Franklin has found himself targeted by allies too, as Professor Xavier had been aggressively trying to recruit Franklin to Krakoa due to his technical mutant status – something very attractive to the now-teenage Franklin.


All of this changed in Fantastic Four #25, however, after a confrontation with Cormorant leaves Franklin Richards with absolutely no abilities. Worse still, Professor Xavier has theorized Franklin was actually using his powers to give himself the X-gene. Subsequent issues have explored Franklin adjusting to his lack of abilities, as well as the disappointment when Professor Xavier revokes his invitation to Krakoa shortly thereafter. However, a recent turn of events suggests that Franklin might not be as de-powered as he once believed. In Fantastic Four #28 – from Dan Slott and R.B. Silva – the team agrees to send the abstract entity Griever to witness the end of the universe, rather than having her bring it about unnaturally. Griever says she expects to see Franklin there, despite his assurance that he’s just a normal teenager now. The unconvinced Griever replies only, “We’ll see.”

The History of the Marvel Universe famously shows Franklin Richards becoming the next Galactus after the destruction of the current Marvel universe, building on his depiction in Jonathan Hickman’s Fantastic Four run, which saw an adult Franklin travel back in time to prevent the destruction of reality. This ascension is shown in several other potential Marvel futures, including Earth X, and was referenced in Al Ewing’s Immortal Hulk #24, in which a twisted future version of the Hulk reveals he killed the adult Franklin Richards, calling him the “anointed prince” who would otherwise have survived to the end of reality.

All in all, it seems that Franklin regains his powers in many prominent potential futures. However, should Franklin Richards regain his powers, what will happen in the short term? Should he regain his powers now, will Professor Xavier resume his efforts to recruit him to Krakoa? It seems unlikely since Professor Xavier told Franklin he was never a mutant to begin with, but given Professor X’s underhanded actions as of late, it’s not impossible that he could change his tune if and when Franklin can once again command reality. The bigger question is if Franklin Richards will even want to go to Krakoa at all now. While Franklin presumably still has friends on the island, Professor X essentially abandoned the young hero in the middle of an identity crisis, and it’s possible the entire ordeal has disillusioned Franklin on the prospects of going to Krakoa, however much he’s also hated being a normal human child.

Whatever the future holds for Franklin Richards, it’s clear his story is far from over. One of the most interesting facets of Franklin Richards has always been seeing just what lies in wait for a character who is capable of outliving the reality into which he was born. Whether this involves ascending to become Galactus at the end of the universe or something else even stranger, Franklin Richard‘s story still has quite a few unwritten chapters, and the Fantastic Four will be there to help him along the way.

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