Warning! Potential spoilers for Avengers by Marvel Comics #49 below.

Marvel Comics has just revealed that the Red Widow has an unorthodox plan to stop She-Hulk and destroy Atlantis, as the villain just became her own version of the Hulk. In Avengers #49, the leader of the Winter Guard injects herself with She-Hulk’s blood after learning she didn’t have control of the hero, leading the Red Widow to become the latest Hulk/gamma monster in the Marvel Universe, the Widow Hulk.

In Marvel’s current Avengers series, She-Hulk became a brainwashed assassin for the Winter Guard after being captured and tortured. Jennifer Walters effectively became the Russian version of the Winter Soldier, as she seemingly had no control over the orders Red Widow gave her. The villain sent She-Hulk to Atlantis to kill Namor the Sub-Mariner. But, Marvel Comics just revealed it was all a trick to make the brainwashed hero a scapegoat for Red Widow’s real plan to destroy Atlantis and start an international war after dropping a Gamma Bomb on the underwater city.


In Avengers #49 by Jason Aaron, Javier Garron, Flaviano, David Curiel, and VC’s Cory Petit, She-Hulk arrives in Atlantis as Namor the Sub Mariner’s rule is in the process of being overthrown. After fighting the King of Atlantis, it’s revealed She-Hulk was undercover for the Avengers, as she wanted to stop the future attack on the underwater city and prevent the Gamma Bomb from being detonated. She-Hulk attacks the Red Widow, who injects herself with Hulk blood which mixes with the Super Soldier Serum in her system. As a result, Red Widow becomes the Widow Hulk.

Red Widow transforms into a Hulk as she slowly bursts out of her armor and becomes a green monster. She exchanges mammoth blows with She-Hulk before the hero sends her tumbling to the ground. After knocking Red Widow down, She-Hulk pivots to grab the Gamma Bomb and attempts to stop it from detonating. The issue ends on the cliffhanger of She-Hulk reaching for the bomb as it begins to light up and potentially go off.

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Red Widow’s plan to blame She-Hulk for destroying Atlantis after detonating a Gamma Bomb is quite brilliant. However, the Red Widow didn’t anticipate that She-Hulk was undercover, which put a considerable snag in her plans. Still, the Red Widow adjusted by injected herself with Hulk blood and become the Widow Hulk. Will the villain’s plan to destroy Atlantis come to fruition? Or can the Red Widow be stopped just as she’s become a Hulk herself? Avengers #49 is in comic book stores now.

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