Warning: contains spoilers for Amazing Spider-Man #77!

Among Spider-Man fans, Spider-Man: One More Day is considered one of the weblinger’s worst tales in recent memory – and an oft-cited problem is the use of Iron Man and Doctor Strange in the narrative. Fans have plenty of issues with the issue, including Peter Parker’s inability to move on from his past and his ultimate choice to make a deal with Mephisto. But a certain problem occurs early in the One More Day story that a recent issue of Amazing Spider-Man sets right.

In Spider-Man: One More Day, Aunt May is rushed to the hospital after taking a bullet meant for Peter Parker. Already frail, May’s condition rapidly deteriorates – and to make matters worse, Peter can’t even afford a private room for her. It is here that fans arrive at one of the first failings of One More Day: Peter is a part of the superhero community, and thus knows both Iron Man and Doctor Strange well (as well as a host of other heroes). Yet neither can help Aunt May recover from a bullet wound to the stomach.


Tony Stark is one of the smartest geniuses in the Marvel Universe and has access to cutting-edge medical technology, yet he doesn’t offer any of it to Spider-Man. Doctor Strange is a skilled surgeon and the Sorcerer Supreme who frequently uses magic and medicine to save patients from the brink of death, but he can’t help save May’s life either. The excuses both characters use in the story are nonsensical at best, but in Amazing Spider-Man #77, written by Kelly Thompson with art by Sara Pichelli and colors by Nolan Woodard, the creative team took Peter’s friendship with the Avengers into account.

Peter sits in a hospital bed, recuperating from a vicious radioactive attack. Mary-Jane tried to raise Tony Stark and Doctor Strange, but is unable to contact either one for very good reasons. Tony Stark is in space battling Korvac, and Doctor Strange is currently dead. If One More Day simply mentioned that Peter’s powerful friends were unavailable, even in passing, that would have made the situation in One More Day that much more understandable. It would’ve even allowed Peter’s deal with Mephisto to make slightly more sense (no friends around makes Peter truly desperate for help and would be willing to bargain at any price).

Writers continue to reference One More Day and correct mistakes piecemeal, though the ultimate ending of the story still has not been changed. Peter Parker and Mary Jane are no longer married and Aunt May remains alive and well. But at least in small amount, Marvel recognizes the mistake they made with Spider-Man regarding Iron Man and Doctor Strange. 

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