Warning! Spoilers for Amazing Spider-Man #78.BEY ahead!

A Cold War brewing in the background of Marvel Comics between Monica Rambeau and the Beyond Corporation has the potential to explode into an event on par with the original Secret Wars. The Beyond Corporation is assuming an increasingly relevant role in Marvel’s comic books, including financing the new Spider-Man. Monica is fighting a secret war against them, gathering information and resources, but will this be enough against beings who can alter reality to their whim?

The Beyond Corporation was introduced in Nextwave, a 2006 cult limited series by Warren Ellies and Stuart Immonen, whose influence on superhero comics is still felt today. In Nextwave, a team of unlikely heroes led by Monica fights a mysterious entity halfway between a terrorist group and a modern company: the Beyond Corporation. Defined by Ellis as “an absolute distillation of the superhero genre” deprived of all the plots, logic, and sanity, Nextwave was so different (or beyond) anything Marvel had done at the time, that after its end the events of the series were written out of continuity. Eventually the creative team behind Captain America and the Mighty Avengers reintroduced the Beyond Corporation as a villain in 2015. Now, Marvel may be setting up a major event using those same characters.


Captain America and the Mighty Avengers (written by Al Ewing, who was a great fan of Nextwave) tried to reconcile Ellis and Immonen’s crazy story with the main continuity of the Marvel Universe. The Beyond Corporation was shown to be a collective of beings that inhabit the spaces beyond the reality of the Multiverse. It was strongly implied that these creatures are a different group of Beyonders, the most powerful beings in Marvel Comics, who ended almost of all reality in the 2015 Secret Wars event. Godlike and near-omnipotent, some readers have even interpreted the depictions of Beyonders as the real-life writers of the Marvel Universe – beings with power over all creation who put their characters through hell just for entertainment. This is also the main difference between the Beyond Corporation and the rest of their kin: while other Beyonders have been shown studying, preserving, experimenting with, or wanting to destroy life in the Multiverse, this particular group seems interested only in playing with it for pure, sick entertainment. This is exactly what happened to the heroes in Nextwave, but that particular experiment could come back to bite at them.

In The Amazing Spider-Man #78.BEY by Jed MacKay and Elenora Carlini, Monica Rambeau is shown gathering resources against Beyond, specifically the “Heartstar,” the power source of her Nextwave teammate, the Captain. Monica is working covertly with Misty Knight and Colleen Wing, who have been hired by the Beyond Corporation to train the new Spider-Man, Ben Reilly, who is supposed to be the company’s trademarked hero. Monica was led to believe that her whole experience with Nextwave was a delusion, reacquiring awareness of her memories only during the clash between the Mighty Avengers and the Beyond Corporation. Even if after that fight the beings pulling the strings the corporation were apparently banished from reality, Beyond’s recent return in the Spider-Man comics means that the creatures are not done. Perhaps the Beyond Corporation’s end goal is exactly to allow their masters back in the Multiverse. Considering her past experiences with them, and the grudge she bears for being tortured, played with, and having her memories altered, Monica Rambeau is the perfect choice to carry on a covert war against the Beyond Corporation.

Until recently, Monica was also one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, before burning up most of her power to save the world from the goddess Nyx. If she can recover her former strength, Monica Rambeau may be one of the few creatures able to stand against the reality-shaping powers of the creatures behind the Beyond Corporation in the next version of Secret Wars to hit the Marvel Universe. It would also be really cool for Nextwave fans to finally see that story recognized by Marvel in a major event.

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