Warning: spoilers ahead for Captain America #26!

When Bruce Banner turns into the Hulk, he basically just gets bigger, greener, and worse at anger management, but he’s not the only character capable of “hulking out.” The Marvel Universe is home to a number of other Hulks, including the Red Hulk, who until recently had a much weirder transformation.

Longtime Hulk villain Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross is a general in the United States military and father of Betty Ross, Bruce Banner’s love interest. Despite his daughter’s love for Bruce, Ross has been obsessed with hunting Banner and his green alter-ego since the very first issue of The Incredible Hulk in 1962. However, 2008’s Hulk vol 2 #1 by Jeph Loeb introduced readers to the Red Hulk, an intelligent but ruthless new adversary for the Jade Giant who supposedly killed General Ross. While the true identity of Red Hulk (or Rulk, as he’s sometimes called) was originally a mystery, it was revealed in the World War Hulks storyline that Rulk is actually Ross himself, and the version of Ross that was killed was nothing more than a decoy to throw off the heroes – as well as the readers. Interestingly, Rulk bore almost no resemblance to Thunderbolt Ross even after his identity was made known, an issue that Marvel just reversed with Red Hulk’s return in the most recent issue of Captain America.


In Captain America #26 by Ta-Nehisi Coates, Thunderbolt Ross has been taken hostage by the villain Crossbones and his crew. Cap, Falcon, Bucky, and Agent 13 form a team to try and rescue the general, but not before Crossbones beats him close to death. As Cap’s team closes in, Crossbones tells Cutthroat to finish Ross off while he makes a hasty escape. Little do they realize, Ross wants the pain. It’s only when he finally reaches the end of his rope that Ross is reborn once again as the Red Hulk – this time with gray hair and Ross’s iconic mustache.

While it was strange that Ross would previously lose his mustache and change his hair color whenever he transformed into Red Hulk, it made sense from the perspective of secrecy. If Rulk had gray hair and a bushy mustache, everyone would have known right away he was really Thunderbolt Ross, and the big reveal of his identity would have been instantly spoiled. One could also argue that since the process that transformed Ross into Red Hulk was different from what turned Bruce into the Hulk, he isn’t bound by the same rules, so just because Bruce’s hair stays the same doesn’t mean Thunderbolt’s has to. After all, She-Hulk’s transformation is very different than Hulk’s as well. Still, with the secret out, it follows that Marvel would finally decide to retcon Red Hulk’s appearance and make him more closely resemble General Ross.

With Ross’s powers restored, he could make a powerful new ally for Captain America going forward. Seeing as he caused an earthquake with one punch, Red Hulk was already one of Marvel’s strongest characters – now that he has Ross’s mustache, he’ll be truly unstoppable.

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