Warning: Spoilers for Dark Ages #1!

In comics, the new event series titled Dark Ages has brought an ancient evil directly to the doorstep of Marvel’s mightiest heroes, and now it’s been proven just how powerful one member of the Fantastic Four, Sue Storm aka the Invisible Woman, really is. Suffice it to say, Sue’s force field abilities haven’t been tested this heavily in a long time, so seeing her quite literally hold reality together is a sight to behold for diehard fans of the character.

Shown when the world is thrown into chaos during the premiere issue of Marvel’s latest crossover event, Dark Ages #1, by Tom Taylor and Iban Coello, pits Marvel’s heroes against an ancient evil called the Unmaker who does exactly what readers would expect based off of their name alone: unmake things. Beaten and broken as the various hero groups across the world — including teams like the Avengers, Champions, Runaways, X-Men, and more — are unable to push back the death and destruction around them, a strike force consisting of Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch, Vision, The Thing, and Sue Storm travel to the center of the Earth to deal with the Unmaker head-on.


Using her powers to put up a force field bubble to protect them on their journey, things immediately go sideways for Sue and her comrades as Unmaker utterly annihilates The Thing, Scarlet Witch, and Vision without breaking a sweat. With reality unraveling around Sue and Strange by the second, the force field that Sue puts up becomes the only barrier stopping both from succumbing to the utter nothingness swirling around them, and simultaneously proves just how insanely powerful Sue can be when she sets her mind to it.

Narrated by Spider-Man throughout as he tells the story of this world’s terrible downfall, Spidey says that Sue was “able to hold on to a small pocket of reality” during the battle, retelling a heroic moment in which the Invisible Woman was undoubtedly at the height of her powers, if only for a brief moment. Holding the void back with all her might, Sue screams out that she “can’t hold this much longer,” a comment that’s immediately shown to be true as the overpowered Unmaker pierces her veil with a well-placed attack, shattering her force field and mortally wounding Doctor Strange in the process.

Narrowly escaping into another world that Strange throws her into at the last second, seeing Sue utilize her powers to sustain a tiny pocket of reality is a feat that solidifies her as one of the most powerful characters in not just the Marvel Universe, but in the entirety of comics. Capable of using her unique force fields in various ways that give her the ability to turn invisible, help her fly, and even act as powerful offensive and defensive techniques on their own, Sue pushing herself past her limits to hold reality together is a new level of power that fits right in with her drive as a hero and her continued mastery over her iconic abilities.

So while Sue was only able to sustain her barrier for a few moments before being defeated at the hands of the Unmaker, Marvel has proven that when Sue needs to she can become more powerful than anyone can possibly imagine. Dark Ages might just be getting started, but it’s clear Sue Storm will be playing a much more central role in a conflict that needs her strength now more than ever.

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