Sharon Carter is one of the most underrated personalities in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, given her role as Agent 13 and later on revealed as Peggy Carter’s niece. She started as a minor character whose main role was to look after Steve Rogers after SHIELD has been compromised. Soon after, she joined the rest of the team and went on to become a staple character in the movies.

Her character never stood beneath the shadow of her aunt’s legacy because Sharon created her own name. Despite her limited appearances and short lines, she had her defining moments as well. That was true in the films and in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

10 “Hopefully Not Too Far.”

When Sharon was still undercover as Kate, the nurse next-door, Steve offered his laundry machine to her but she refused because apparently, she just finished her rounds in the infectious diseases ward. Steve told her that he will keep his distance to which Sharon replied this quote above.

This alone presented a hint that nobody else noticed: Sharon was spying on him under Nick Fury’s order. It also served as an unintentional foreshadowing that they will soon work together. Later in that same scene, she ended up revealing her true identity.

9 “I’m Agent 13 Of SHIELD Special Service. I’m Assigned To Protect You.”

Now that Sharon’s real business has been revealed, she was, in this scene, a character to watch out for. There will always be something special about agents of SHIELD. When she said that she was designated to watch over Steve, it meant that something was up. It was also a sign that Sharon is not just an ordinary agent.

Little is known about this particular division but it must have something to do with HYDRA since Fury confessed that SHIELD has been compromised. It gives Sharon’s character a certain degree of significance in the film.


8 “Depends On Where You’re Standing.”

When Brock Rumlow ordered an agent to hit the launch button, Sharon was already on standby mode. She knows anything could happen. Just when the agent refused and answered that it was Captain’s orders, Rumlow pulled out his gun and held it against the agent’s head.

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Sharon came into the rescue and pulled out a gun, too. Rumlow said that she picked the wrong side to which Sharon retorted it depends on where he is standing. Sharon clearly says that Rumlow is on the wrong side and everything that they are planning to do is wrong.

7 “Even If The Whole World Is Telling You To Move, It Is Your Duty To Plant Yourself Like A Tree, Look Them In The Eye, And Say ‘No, You Move.'”

In this scene, Sharon revealed her relationship with the late Peggy Carter. The entire speech was so incredibly moving and at the same time, was a political view. Somehow, she was telling Steve to stand firm and hold fast to what he believes in, even if everyone was telling him to do otherwise.

It also relates to Sharon trying her best to live up to the legacy that her Aunt Peggy left. Her character is known to have a strong moral compass and it reflects in every decision she makes. She stole Captain America’s shield because she believed that it is the only way to achieve total freedom.

6 “I’m Not Sure You Understand The Concept Of A Getaway Car.”

When Sharon decided to meet up with Steve to hand over the shield, the captain brought a vintage car to ‘get away’ or flee the place because he has been officially being hunted down as a fugitive. While Steve seems to be very attached to his vintage car, Sharon thinks it draws a lot of attention because of its look.

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Not only was it a sarcastic yet friendly remark from Sharon but it also showed concern for her friend. She may never display emotions overtly but she is always one call away when it comes to her friends which is equivalent to showing that she cares.

5 “With All Due Respect, If SHIELD Is Conducting A Manhunt For Captain America, We Deserve To Know Why.”

Sharon demands an answer as to why SHIELD is planning to capture Captain America when she clearly knows the reason. She did this to try and squeeze out more information from them and hopefully tell the whole team about their evil scheme.

In this scene, Sharon is absolutely furious because SHIELD is hunting Steve for the wrong reasons. One can clearly see that she is willing to give up her life’s work to save her friend, in which case, she did lose her job in the end and was thrown into exile.

4 “I Stole Steve’s Shield, Remember? I Also Took The Wings For Your Ass, So That You Could Save His Ass From His Ass.”

In The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, Sharon appears out of nowhere after saving Sam and Bucky from the guys who were chasing them. She narrated how she ended up in Madripoor and went off the grid after stealing Cap’s shield.

And now, she was there again to save their butts from another misfortune. Sharon’s character is absolutely underrated and she deserves more than just being a side character. It’s a good thing that she was given a heavier role in this show, and much more for the next one since her true identity has been revealed in the season finale.

3 “You Buy Into All That Stars And Stripes Bulls**t. Before You Were His Pet Psychopath, You Were Mr. America! Cap’s Best Friend.”

It’s probably the first time Sharon spoke like this to her friends but living like a fugitive in a foreign country certainly did something to her. She might be feeling a little strange that her old friends are hanging out with Zemo while she is hiding like a wretch and it was all because of Zemo.

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The tone of her voice shows that she’s had enough of this superhero stuff and that she needs to find something else for herself. She managed to become the power broker and that’s a huge deal.

2 “I Don’t Do Black Mail.”

Sharon is not the type of person who does negotiations. When she was still an agent, she either obeys orders or breaks them – there is no in-between. Now that she has the power and influence of a power broker, she can do whatever she wants.

It’s good to see her character evolve into something unexpected despite her friendly and harmless appearance. There’s obviously more to see from her character as she comes back as an agent of SHIELD in the much-awaited second season.

1 “You Know When You Came To Madripoor, You Reminded Me Of A Young Me.”

There is little known about Sharon’s life and background. Her past was never explored and she will always be a mysterious character to the audience. She is only known as the niece of Peggy Carter but no one knows how she managed to join SHIELD.

In her scene with Karli, she told her that the latter reminded her of her younger self. Karli was taken in and given an opportunity only to betray her – the same thing that Sharon did when she was still an agent. The resemblance is evident but the intentions were different.

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