Recently, we’ve seen a flurry of updates about Marvel’s Agent Carter, including a premiere date as well as a full synopsis that shed light on the upcoming series’ premise and tone. They’ve also recently released the first footage from the series, cementing its action-heavy approach with a short teaser and a clip.

Hayley Atwell was always expected to reprise her role of Peggy Carter were a series ever a possibility, proving her dedication to the role by returning for Marvel’s One-Shot, Agent Carter. Once the series was greenlit and Atwell confirmed, the rest of Agent Carter‘s cast began to come together; including Dominic Cooper reprising his role as Howard Stark from Captain America: The First Avenger.


Today, Marvel has yet another casting announcement for Agent Carter as Bridget Regan (White Collar, John Wick) joins the series as a small-town Iowan girl named Dottie. In its statement, Marvel says the character will live next door to Peggy at the boarding house and have a huge impact on her life.

Marvel’s Head of Television, Jeff Loeb spoke highly of Regan’s casting, saying:

“Bridget Regan brings the nuance and complexity of Dottie to life in a way that leaves no doubt as to her importance to Peggy.”

As to what that importance will be, we’re left speculating because Agent Carter will be expanding upon Peggy’s life in ways the comics never have. Yet, judging from their living proximity and Peggy’s own unease at her new position within S.H.I.E.L.D. – having been demoted from a valuable field agent to a glorified paper pusher – the two will likely bond as they navigate the less-liberated (for women, anyhow) post-WWII America.

Earlier, the series added Lyndsy Fonseca as Angie Martinelli, another friend of Peggy’s living in New York who is an aspiring actress. Angie was also described as, “the friend Peggy needs if she’s to survive the dangers that lie ahead,” but considering the trials awaiting Peggy – both in work and life – she could use as many friends as she can get.

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Already, Agent Carter is a series that’s been garnering a lot of interest and is easily one of the shows we’re most looking forward to in 2015. And as the role of women in the world of superheroes continues to strike up discussion, a series set in the MCU wherein an already established female character has to work against society’s inherent patriarchy should prove engaging as well as topical.

What do you think of how Agent Carter‘s cast is shaping up? Do you expect the series to give equal time to both Peggy’s work and social life? Sound off in the comments below!

Agent Carterpremieres on January 6th, 2015 at 9pm.

Source: Marvel

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