Marvel’s Avengers recently expanded upon its endgame content with the addition of the new Klaw Raid, and some players are finding certain sections much more challenging than others. For most players, the Klaw Raid provided a breath of fresh air into the game, giving them a challenge worthy of the high-level builds they spent over a year crafting to perfection. Marvel’s Avengers’ Klaw Raid, which takes most players nearly three hours to complete, is comprised of several different sections that must be completed in succession, each with its own unique puzzle or combat challenge that puts players’ builds and teamwork to the test.


In many ways, the Raid was built to counter many of the complaints that fans had about Marvel’s Avengers at launch. Some of these complaints revolved around the fact that very few missions required team coordination in order to complete the challenges. Because most of Marvel’s Avengers’ high-level content just involved having high damage numbers to battle a boss with lots of health, it left players feeling less like a team of superheroes and more like they were competing to see who could put out the most damage as quickly as possible.

The Klaw Raid worked to change this up by introducing several puzzle rooms to Marvel’s Avengers. These puzzle rooms require team coordination and Avengers with different skill sets to complete, which is only one of the reasons why the raid cannot be played with bots. Crystal Dynamics looked to other games like Destiny with large-scale raids for inspiration, and created several unique sections for the Klaw Raid, each testing different aspects of the players’ skills and teamwork. Because of this, players may find the individual sections easier or tougher based on their personal builds, but some rooms are more challenging for the majority of the player base than others.

Avengers’ Easiest Klaw Raid Section – Command Crawler (Spider) Boss

The first leg of the Raid is by far its easiest. While it may be surprising to some players just how hard enemies hit in the raid, and the amount of health each one has, once a player gets the hang of the introductory fights, they aren’t all that challenging. This section is mostly a few fights with more challenging versions of Klaw’s mercenaries that players have fought many times in Marvel’s Avengers‘ in-game version of Wakanda already. Things get a bit more challenging when players encounter their first boss fight, the mechanized spider known as the Command Crawler. The Command Crawler can be overwhelming to fight at first, but there aren’t that many gimmicks to defeating it, players just have to hit it with enough damage, and it will go down.

The Sonic Barrier Challenges Marvel’s Avengers Players’ Ability To Tank

The Sonic Barrier room comes shortly after the Command Crawler boss fight, but it amps up the difficulty a few notches. In this section, players must work together to activate a barrier that protects them as Klaw’s instant kill sonic blasts fill up the room and take down the barrier. In order to do this, one player will have to stand at the control panel in the center of the room while the other three capture and hold three separate points that activate the panel. Not only is coordination key to a players’ success here, it also helps to have the points held by more self-sufficient heroes, like Marvel’s Avengers’ toughest tank, Hulk. While this puzzle is pretty simple with enough coordination, it can be challenging trying to hold the points for long enough for the hero at the control panel to activate it, especially with weaker, less self-sufficient heroes.

Shuri’s Control Room In Avengers’ Klaw Raid Requires Communication

After players take down the sonic barrier, they’ll be brought into the heart of Wakanda’s Vibranium Mines, where they will have to complete two objectives before moving on. The easier of these objectives is Shuri’s Control Room, which has been overrun by corrupted Vibranium, and can be accessed by going to the left at the split and completing a small platform puzzle. Once players are inside the control room, they will be joined by Marvel’s Avengers version of Shuri, who will assist the players in clearing out the corrupted Vibranium. She instructs the players to attack the corrupted Vibranium spires, keeping them weak until she can send out a blast that will destroy them completely.

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Before the corrupted Vibranium can be destroyed, Shuri needs one player from the party to go outside the control room and collect the anti-metal buff, which can spawn at several locations outside of the room. For this section, it really helps to have a hero with strong mobility options. The game’s recently added Spider-Man or flying characters would work best for this section, though Marvel’s Avengers‘ Hawkeye, Kate Bishop, and Black Widow can also work. Once the buff has been collected, the team will need to coordinate in focusing fire on one or two Vibranium Spires, bringing them down to low health before the anti-metal buff runs out. During this time, players will also need to protect the generators around Shuri’s machine, requiring a considerable amount of communication amongst the team.

Klaw’s First Fight In Marvel’s Avengers Is An Endurance Round

The first battle with Klaw comes after players have completed Shuri’s Control Room and The Forge (more on that later). The players will meet up with Zawavari, a Wakandan sorcerer looking to help put a stop to Klaw once and for all. This boss fight plays out as mostly an endurance round, with players having to survive waves of Klaw enemies until Zawavari can charge up his magic and stun the massive Klaw, giving players the opportunity to hit him with some damage. The fight is visually impressive and helps show off Marvel’s Avengers‘ excellent version of Wakanda, but it’s easy to get lost in the chaos. Enemy mobs can quickly overrun an uncoordinated team and the sound blasts will one-shot any player not behind cover.

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Avengers Klaw Raid – Bring A Flying Hero For The Forge

Depending on which way the player decides to go when the road splits after the Sonic Barrier, The Forge can be encountered pretty early in the raid, but without the right build, it can easily shut down a team’s run. Part of this is due to the 10 minute timer players are given the moment they enter The Forge. If it isn’t completed in time, players will have to start over. The puzzle itself is challenging, requiring one player to hold a lower point by themselves while describing symbols that appear to their teammates. The other teammates have to match the symbol and quickly destroy the rotating piston while it’s exposed. The challenge is that the pistons are constantly moving, and very hard to reach. This becomes a lot easier if players bring one of Marvel’s Avengers’ flying heroes, like Thor, who can use the powerful heroic, God Blast, to take out the Vibranium clusters on the piston.

Marvel’s Avengers’ Final Battle With Klaw Is The Hardest Section

Once players finish off Klaw’s first form, he is shrunk down to a more manageable size, and players will be able to attempt to finish him off for good. This section has many parts. At first, players won’t be able to damage Klaw outright, they’ll need to use stun attacks in order to fill Klaw’s stun meter. Once that happens, one player will need to leave the battlefield and hold a point that grants the other players an anti-metal buff, allowing them to damage Klaw and slowly bring down his massive health bar. The process of stunning Klaw will repeat several times, forcing players to ensure they don’t make any mistakes that might cause a full party down and restart the lengthy fight.

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Marvel’s Avengers‘ Wakanda-based Klaw Raid has provided players with plenty of new challenges and exciting gear (along with a new level cap) that should keep players interested in the game for quite some time. However, it will be interesting to see how Crystal Dynamics chooses to follow up the Klaw Raid with Marvel’s Avengers’ 2022 slate of content. If it’s anywhere near as challenging as the Klaw Raid, Marvel’s Avengers players will want to ensure they get the best gear they can from the current raid to stand their best chance against what comes next.

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