WARNING: Spoilers for X-Men Red #1 ahead!

A storm is brewing on the mutant planet of Arakko, and X-Men Red #1 from Marvel Comics promises a new Brotherhood of Mutants from the X-Men. This team will be led by Storm, Magneto, and Sunspot. With threats coming from all sides the Krakoan mutants have a lot of work to do to make the Broken Land one of peace.

Since Arakko was terraformed, there have been warring political interests attempting to reign control of the new world, and X-Men Red is where these interests are going to clash. Ororo Munroe was named the Regent of Arakko, after defeating all who would oppose her and earning a seat on the Great Ring of Arakko, as well as the Voice of Sol, Earth’s representative in the wider universe. Now though, Storm is partnering with her former enemy Magneto to form a new Brotherhood of Mutants, one whose purpose is to defend Arakko from anyone who threatens it.


X-Men Red #1 – written by the legendary Al Ewing with stunning art by Stefano Caselli and Federico Blee – was a truly amazing first issue, and set up some massive plots involving Abigail Brand, Vulcan, the Shi’ar, and many other factions who have all expressed interest in obtaining some power of Arakko. Abigail Brand herself, who the readers know has betrayed Krakoa and joined the anti-mutant organization Orchis, approaches Storm in this first issue to broach the topic of forming her own team of X-Men to serve the interests of Krakoa on Arakko. Ororo quickly brushes her off, most likely realizing that Brand has her own plans and machinations behind her words (as she always does), but her conversation with Abigail does inspire her to renounce her “royalty” to focus on defending Arakko from harm both internal and external.

The team name “The Brotherhood of Mutants” is incredibly symbolic, especially since she approaches Magneto to form the new team as co-leaders. The original Brotherhood was led by Magneto and was called “The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.” The “evil” was eventually dropped from the name, with Toad saying it was meant to be used ironically. But mission of the various incarnations of the Brotherhood was the same: to oppose Charles Xavier’s dream of assimilating mutants and humans together, instead emphasizing mutant supremacy over humankind. Interestingly, the nation of Krakoa, while founded on the philosophies of Magneto and Professor X, certainly leans more towards Magneto’s philosophy, ignoring Charles’ dream to instead focus on developing mutant culture and history apart from humanity. Sunspot was once Magneto’s student when he ran Xavier’s school for a time, and also has massive political connections on Earth and Chandilar, so is a perfect addition to the Brotherhood alongside Storm and Magneto.

Storm proclaims that Arakko doesn’t need a team of X-Men, which Brand is clearly already cultivating, they need a fierce group of mutants dedicated to defending Arakko, “The Broken Land,” and protecting it while the planet is still in its infancy. Clearly this Brotherhood, led by Storm and the newly jobless Magneto, will not be “evil” and in fact will be the opposite, a team of like-minded Krakoan and Arakki folks who are hoping to form community with one another and use these shared values to defend their land from Brand, Vulcan, or any other threat. Make sure to read X-Men Red #1 from Marvel Comics to see Storm, Magneto, and Sunspot forming the new Brotherhood of Mutants.

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