Warning! Spoilers for The Darkhold Omega #1 by Marvel Comics

The Darkhold crossover has reached its conclusion at Marvel Comics and with it, an old hero is back in Marvel’s main reality: Omega the Unknown. In The Darkhold Omega, Scarlet Witch successfully defeats Chthon alongside the Darkhold Defiled. After absorbing the dark book of spells, she frees the transformed heroes from the Elder God’s Other-Realm. However, she also brings back the lost Marvel hero.

Omega the Unknown first appeared in the self-titled series and was created Steve Gerber, Mary Skrenes, and Jim Mooney. The unusual series followed youngster James-Michael Starling, a Protarian android sent to Earth who closely resembled a human physically and mentally. His mind was connected with another android, Omega The Unknown, who was became a storied warrior before accidentally destroying his new homeworld, Srenesk. Omega would become a hero on Earth before being killed. Starling had a similarly grim fate, with his story finishing after the series cancellation, destroying himself as his powers became out of control. Besides appearing in a non-canon limited series from Jonathan Lethem and Farel Dalrymple, Omega the Unknown has been long absent from the pages of Marvel Comics.


In The Darkhold Omega #1 by Steve Orlando, Cian Tormey, Jesus Aburtov, Mark Deering, Roberto Poggi, Walden Wong, and VC’s Clayton Cowles, Scarlet Witch’s final stand begins as Chthon reveals himself inside the Darkhold. Scarlet Witch (with some help from Doctor Doom) defeats the Elder God and the longtime Avenger absorbs the Darkhold into her own being. However, it’s revealed Chthon held someone in the Other-Realm for some time, as Omega the Unknown was trapped inside. Once she frees the Darkhold Defiled, James-Michael Starling is freed. In a later panel, Wasp checks in with the hero to see how he’s doing.

The Wasp thanks the lost hero for his help inside the Darkhold. A floating android head tells her that James Michael-Starling went on a dimensional pilgrimage but ended up getting trapped in the Other-Realm. She reveals what began as Model X3z (the original Omega) has reached its Omega point and that with the data acquired from his observations, she won’t let her son get lost in the darkness again.

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After being trapped with madness in the Other-Realm for decades, it’s not entirely clear if Starling can speak for himself or how old he is. His mind has significantly suffered after so much lost time in the Other-Realm. But, with Mother Head making sure the hero won’t get lost again, it seems this new version of Omega the Unknown is here to stay. We can’t wait to see what Marvel Comics does next with the character.

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