Warning! Spoilers for Avengers #50 by Marvel Comics

Marvel’s Justice League is back and is hiding a Superman-sized secret from the world. In Avengers #50 from Marvel Comics, the Squadron Supreme makes a surprise return, as the group of villains (heroes in their own mind) is attempting to change the universe back to the world that the Avengers recently took away from them during the Heroes Reborn event.

The Squadron Supreme first appeared as pastiches of DC Comics’ Justice League. Each team member was based on a DC counterpart, such as Hyperion (Superman), Power Princess (Wonder Woman), Blur (Flash), Nighthawk (Batman), and Doctor Spectrum (Green Lantern). In the recent Heroes Reborn event, Mephisto and Phil Coulson changed reality to make the Squadron Supreme the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in a world where the Avengers never formed. The storyline embraced the DC Comics inspirations for each Squadron Supreme member and was one of Marvel Comics’ best events. In the end, the Avengers restored their world. But now, the Squadron Supreme is fighting to bring the false reality back.


In Avengers #50 by Jason Aaron, Aaron Kuder, Javier Garron, Rafael Fonteriz, Ed McGuinness, Carlos Pacheco, David Curiel, Alex Sinclair, Matt Hollingsworth, Rachelle Rosenberg, David Baldeon, and Israel Silva, the Red Widow talks to a mysterious voice inside a prison cell telling them they’ve been reborn so many times, they don’t understand who they are anymore. The Squadron Supreme of America bursts into the Russian safehouse with Doctor Spectrum warning Red Widow she’s under arrest. However, as Doctor Spectrum is about to arrest her, Power Princess kills him. Red Widow reveals the person locked inside with her asked for freedom away from who made them. That’s when the comic reveals Hyperion is secretly trapped inside.

Hyperion seems to be in the same torture chamber that turned the She-Hulk into the Winter Hulk. Is Marvel’s pastiche of Superman getting brainwashed like She-Hulk to become an even deadlier weapon? Or, are his memories being tampered with to make his primary focus on restoring the reality where he was the greatest hero on Earth? Both questions lead to bad news answers for the rest of the Marvel Universe.

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Regardless of what happens to Hyperion, Marvel’s evil Justice League returning in Avengers #50 confirms that Jason Aaron and co. aren’t done with the characters just yet. Considering how much fun the Heroes Reborn event was, readers should welcome the Squadron Supreme’s return as it throws a fun wrench into upcoming Avengers arcs, as they’ll surely fight tooth and nail to bring their reality back – all while exploiting their Superman-sized secret.

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