Many people have taken on the title of Captain America other than Steve Rogers throughout Marvel’s history – even Sam Wilson, aka the Falcon, seems set to become the latest Captain America in the MCU – but in the future of Marvel Comics, it is the daughter of two Netflix Marvel heroes that takes up the shield. The origins of this future Captain America are unique in that her powers weren’t given to her through artificial means; instead, she inherited them.

Danielle Cage, daughter of Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, takes up the Captain America mantle in Marvel Comics’ future. Danielle inherited the powers of both Luke Cage and Jessica Jones making her super strong and indestructible. Cage has gone to battle against many foes as Captain America, though perhaps none quite so deadly as Ultron. In Avengers: Ultron Forever by Al Ewing and Alan Davis, Danielle Cage is transported to the distant future alongside other heroes from throughout Avengers history. They’ve been summoned by Doctor Doom into an era where Ultron reigns supreme. While battling the robotic villain alongside the other members of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Cage proves herself to be skilled in leadership and willing to be a team player for the greater good in ways that would assuredly make Steve Rogers, and her Avengers parents, proud. 


In her own time of 20XX, Danielle Cage shows her solo superheroing skills aren’t lacking by spending her time thwarting Golden Skull, a version of Steve Rogers’ red-faced nemesis who spends his time raiding an ecologically ravaged world. In U.S. Avengers #2 by Al Ewing, Golden Skull travels to an alternate timeline to get his hands on one of the last working time machines in the multiverse. Captain America follows him, linking up with the heroes of that time to stop the Skull. Golden Skull is ultimately defeated, and brought back to his own universe in the custody of Captain America. 

Danielle Cage hits every mark for being a worthy Captain America. When in a position where she needs to work with a team of heroes as shown in Avengers: Ultron Forever, she is able to effectively take charge when necessary and fall in line when required, as all great leaders do, to ultimately defeat the enemy. In U.S. Avengers, Dani proves she is also an efficient solo hero by pursuing her archenemy across dimensions. Having grown up in a world where Marvel’s heroes are at the peak of their careers, Danielle is the best of her father, mother, and their teammate Captain America.

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Leadership and superhero skills aside, Cage’s powerset is near unmatchable when compared to other versions of Captain America. Not only are Danielle’s powers completely natural, but she’s nearly invincible. This Cap has bulletproof skin, super strength, and the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound, just as fans saw in the Netflix Marvel shows with the separate powers of Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, and leading to her iconic motto, “I AM the shield.” Danielle Cage is one of the most powerful people to ever wear the stars and stripes, not only physically capable of taking up the shield, but worthy of carrying on the legacy of Captain America.

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