At the beginning of Chapter 3 in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, players will need to decide if they want to try to sell Groot or Rocket as a monster to Lady Hellbender. Rocket protests the sale of Groot, and Drax states that Groot is too gentle to portray a monster. On the other hand, Gamora believes Groot is their best shot, and Groot himself volunteers for the task. The only playable character, Star-Lord, is the deciding vote, and there are different obstacles in each scenario.

The sale won’t take place until Chapter 4, but players will have the chance to change their minds just before entering Lady Hellbender’s Fortress at the end of the third chapter. Once the decision is finalized, whoever is being sold will be caged and presented to Lady Hellbender as a fearsome monster. Players will then need to make some dialogue choices to try to sell their companion.


No matter who is being sold in Marvel’s GotG‘s story, players have the potential to get 12,000 units. The method of obtaining the units differs when selling Rocket or Groot, but the maximum amount stays the same. It’s also possible to get less than 12,000 if players don’t collect the units from the vault or negotiate the highest price. After meeting with Lady Hellbender, players will need to get through her fortress, but the character being sold determines whether there will be continuous combat encounters or more sneaking around.

Selling Groot or Rocket to Lady Hellbender in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy

When trying to sell either Rocket or Groot in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, there are certain negotiation options available. However, Lady Hellbender will only be interested in purchasing Groot, making selling him the easier path. If players choose to sell Rocket, Lady Hellbender will laugh at him and refuse to pay any price. She will mention wanting to purchase Groot, then Rocket will get defensive and eventually start a firefight. Players will then need to battle their way through the fortress to reach Lady Hellbender’s vault. Inside, there are four bowls to collect totaling 12,000 units. While inside, Lady Hellbender will release poison gas, and if players leave right away, they may miss some of the units.

When selling Groot, the only way to get the top price of 12,000 units is to let Drax negotiate by encouraging him to flatter Lady Hellbender, then supporting him when he names the price of 20,000 units. Lady Hellbender will eventually agree on 12,000, but if players didn’t support Drax they will receive less for Groot. After selling Groot, players can sneak through the fortress to find him, avoiding the combat that takes place when selling Rocket. Unfortunately, shortly after finding Groot, he will be revealed as an imposter, and the Guardians will be caught in their scheme.

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No matter which teammate players choose to sell in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, the outcome is the same. The differences specifically relate to how the units are obtained and the pathway to reaching the boss, Lady Hellbender’s Dweller-In-Darkness. Whether trying to sell Rocket and Groot, players will eventually end up in the main chamber of the fortress to battle the monster. However, for players looking to avoid multiple waves of combat along the way, selling Groot is the better option.

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is available for PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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