Warning! Spoilers ahead for Avengers #37

In the latest issue of Avengers, the final chapter of the “Age of Khonshu” sees the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes finally making a comeback and taking the fight to the Egyptian Moon God, who had used Moon Knight to steal him the primordial powers held by several of the Avengers so he might finally defeat Mephisto. Even so, the Avengers cannot stand idly by while Khonshu’s extreme power has led to his conquest over New York, turning it into New Thebes. However, when the final power of the Phoenix Force presents itself, it chooses Moon Knight as its new host, allowing the misguided hero to get out from Khonshu’s sway, but also provides him with an insane amount of tempting power that is really problematic considering Moon Knight’s mental instability.


In Avengers #37, written by Jason Aaron with art by Javier Garrón, Khonshu is about to claim the Starbrand, which is currently being held within a very angry, very powerful, baby. However, Moon Knight arrives, having become the Fist of the Phoenix. He rejects Khonshu as his master, uppercutting Khonshu with the full might of the Phoenix Force, sending him crashing back down to Earth, and losing his hold over Thor’s hammer Mjolnir as well. Moon Knight determines that the new age will now belong to him instead. Once on the ground, Black Panther and Ghost Rider get to work, calling back the Spirit of Vengeance, Iron Fist, and Eye of Agamotto out of Khonshu’s grasp. With that, the Avengers assemble, and Khonshu’s forces begin to weaken.

However, Moon Knight is still floating up in the atmosphere, reacting and dwelling on the new power that now lies within him. While many X-Men fans know that the Phoenix Force is a great power for destruction as well as for creation, it looks as though Marc Spector’s mental state is struggling with the power at his disposal, leading him to momentarily consider global genocide and destruction as a means to save the world?

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The voices in Moon Knight’s head suggest that if he were to burn the world with the Phoenix Force, the parasite of humanity would be purged and he would be a hero that saved the world. It’s in this moment of the voices in his head telling him to raze the planet that Moon Knight understands that he has truly lost his mind. After he reignites the sun and Thor breaks free from his entrapment with his hammer regained, Moon Knight almost welcomes the beating he gets from Thor, and the Phoenix Force subsequently leaves him as its host.

Moon Knight seems glad to be a normal man again and is now rid of the Phoenix Force by the end of the issue. It’s a good thing that Spector had enough clarity in that moment above the Earth to realize how insane his thinking had become due to the voices in his head. Moon Knight is way too mentally unstable to handle the insane levels of powers the Phoenix Force provides, and sooner or later, one of those voices could have actually gotten through and convinced him to unleash the devastating cosmic power in its full unbridled might. However, Spector does reason that if the Age of Khonshu can’t stop Mephisto, perhaps the Phoenix Force can, not dismissing its capability for good entirely. However, Moon Knight should never be behind the wheel of its power ever again, for the good of the Marvel Universe.

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