As is often the case in comics, Deadpool has his own evil counterpart in the Marvel Universe, not unlike the Flash and his foe the Reverse-Flash in DC Comics. Wade Wilson’s is just a lot more disgusting. After an effort to rid himself of reminders of the gruesome actions of a super fan went horribly wrong, Deadpool ended up creating his own mirror villain, simply known as Evil Deadpool. Much like the Reverse-Flash, Evil Deadpool is the opposite to Wade in more ways than one, but the big difference is that Evil Deadpool is actually made from Wade Wilson himself. This is because Evil Deadpool is a gross combination of discarded body parts that the original Deadpool has left behind over the years.


In 2011’s Deadpool #44, Wade Wilson discovered that a Deadpool-obsessed British psychiatrist known as Ella Whitby had long been collecting discarded body parts of Wade’s and keeping them in her fridge. Completely disgusted, Wade took all of these limbs, threw them in a bag, and tossed them in a dumpster. However, the next issue would see that this was a terrible mistake on Wade’s part, as he inadvertently created one of his most odd, disgusting, and deadliest foes.

Deadpool #45 revealed that these body parts fused together in the dumpster, thanks to the powerful healing factor Wade possesses (hence his having a whole body despite having lost so many pieces of himself over the years). Eventually, Evil Deadpool was born as a dark new Deadpool made from mismatched limbs and body parts, though he had to make do with two right arms. Similar to the Reverse Flash, Evil Deadpool exists as a dark mirror to Wade, though his mission to surpass the original is actually quite literal, wishing to take the real Wade’s body, decapitate him, and place his own head on the perfectly matching body. However, Evil Deadpool would still be incredibly similar to Wade in personality, as evidenced by their first fight when they decided to put it on pause for the same reason.

It’s also a cool detail that while the original Wade’s speech bubbles are the traditional yellow background with black text, Evil Deadpool’s are the reverse. Evil Deadpool is also a lot like Reverse Flash in that no matter how many times they’re defeated, they always manage to find a way back to torment their respective heroes again. However, while Reverse-Flash uses time-travel to achieve this, Evil Deadpool is just incredibly resilient, just like the original Deadpool. Evil Deadpool even became a member of an entire Evil Deadpool Corps, which was a conglomeration of dark Deadpools from across the multiverse, seeking to destroy all of the “good” Deadpools once and for all.

If only Deadpool had used individual trash bags, he wouldn’t have to wonder when Evil Deadpool might pop his head up again in the Marvel Universe. While he hasn’t been seen for a few years now, Evil Deadpool is definitely a villain that seems as though he’ll be sticking around to continually go after the original Deadpool from time to time, at least until Wade finds a way to permanently take down his dark counterpart.

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