Black Cat had a small role to play in Marvel’s Spider-Man, but she should return as a more prominent character in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2Marvel’s Spider-Man gave Black Cat a fairly detailed backstory that points to her inclusion in future installments. She was also the focus of the first DLC, The Heist. However, she was excluded from the story in Spider-Man: Miles Morales, so it’s unclear if she will have a role in future installments, though including her would be the right choice.

Peter Parker’s love life is constantly fluctuating, and even though he ends up with Mary Jane in Marvel’s Spider-Man, having Black Cat around more in the sequel may alter that. Due to her thieving nature, she is usually placed at odds with Spider-Man, though she tends to either flirt her way out of trouble or trick Spider-Man into letting her escape. Including Black Cat in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will likely introduce a new emotional story arc for Peter, whether it be his struggle to take her down, or exploring his feelings for her in greater detail.


There are several possibilities for how Black Cat can be incorporated into Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Along with being a romantic interest for Spider-Man, Black Cat may also play a role as one of the major villains in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Alternatively, she could team up with Spider-Mand and lend her skills to help save the city. If Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 introduces new playable characters, then fans may even get to test out Black Cat’s unique skillset for themselves. Regardless of how she is presented to players, Black Cat should be included in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Could Feature Black Cat As A Love Interest

Marvel’s Spider-Man briefly explores the past romance between Black Cat and Spider-Man, but there are clearly still feelings between the pair. Spider-Man is constantly nervous around Black Cat and even tries to hide his interactions with her from Mary Jane initially. Having Black Cat return in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 could create an interesting dynamic, or, at the very least, some strain on Peter’s relationship with Mary Jane. In The Heist DLC for Marvel’s Spider-Man, Black Cat flirts with Spider-Man frequently and makes a few mentions about the two of them being together.

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Black Cat also tricks Spider-Man into believing they have a son in the DLC. Although the story about her son being kidnapped is a lie, it’s still possible that Black Cat actually has a child. If parts of her lie were true, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 could explore Peter’s struggle with balancing his heroics with his love life and being a father. There was a mix of Spider-Man and Peter Parker storylines in Marvel’s Spider-Man, and the romantic or family possibility that Black Cat provides could help accomplish the same, or better, dynamic gameplay in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.

Black Cat Could Be A Villain In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

In Marvel’s Spider-Man, Black Cat is a thief because she feels she has to be. Spider-Man consistently warns her against her chosen lifestyle and tries to steer her away from crime. The sequel could explore a storyline where Black Cat dives deeper into a life of crime, and Spider-Man has no choice but to stop her. Their past romance and Peter’s deep-rooted concern for Felicia’s well-being would make taking her down a difficult and emotional choice.

Although Black Cat’s crime sprees are mostly harmless, she does possess the necessary skills to commit worse crimes. If threatened or backed into a corner, she will do whatever is necessary to get herself out of trouble. Using her already established history from the first game, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 can put her under the thumb of another supervillain or put her in a situation where she’s at odds with Spider-Man, similar to how Miles Morales had to fight the Tinkerer. Spider-Man having an emotional connection to the villains that he must take down makes his decisions carry more weight, and Black Cat could also be a bigger threat to Spider-Man because she knows his secret identity.

Black Cat Could Be A Valuable Ally In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Alternatively, if Black Cat is pressured or influenced enough by Spider-Man, she could help him with some of his heroics in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. The pair teamed up in the first game’s DLC, and their skillsets complement each other well. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 could include a series of side missions to complete with Black Cat or have her help out during the main storyline. Since Peter was pushing for Felicia to live an honest life, it’s not a stretch that he would help her explore a hero’s path. Giving Black Cat a bigger role in the next game could set her up for her own title down the line.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 – Black Cat As A Playable Character

Instead of having her simply help Peter, Black Cat could also feature as a playable hero in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Players are set to take control of both Miles and Peter in the sequel to Marvel’s Spider-Man, but Black Cat could bring a whole other dynamic to gameplay. Felicia would offer a unique player experience with a different set of abilities than either of the Spider-Man characters. Players may also be able to explore the criminal side of Marvel’s Spicer-Man 2 if Black Cat is playable.

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Although she could be a really interesting playable character, she would likely be compared to Catwoman in the Batman: Arkham series. For that reason, developers would need to make sure her story and skillset were vastly different from that of Catwoman. Although the two have some similarities, with the right storyline Black Cat could excel as a playable character in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 without feeling like a knockoff. Making Black Cat playable could also set her up for a standalone title in Insomniac’s Marvel Universe.

Black Cat provided some interesting character dynamics in Marvel’s Spider-Man, and she should be included more in the sequel. Her past relationship with Spider-Man could cause some tension in Peter Parker’s life, and her selfish but well-meaning nature means she could either challenge Spider-Man as a villain or team up with him to take Venom and Kraven down. Even better, though, would be to include Black Cat as a playable character, as it would give her even more opportunities to influence the story in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.

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