In both Marvel’s Spider-Man and Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, players can swing through the city and fight their way through tough enemies as two different Spider-Men, but Miles Morales is better than Peter Parker. Although Peter is training Miles, there are a lot of differences between the two. Miles’ abilities alone are enough to make him a fierce competitor for the Spider-Man title, but his extra powers aren’t the only thing that set him apart from his mentor.

Miles Morales had a much shorter game than Peter Parker, but he was just as memorable and arguably more fun to play as. Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales has interesting villains, a beautiful winter-set New York, and powerful skills to experience beyond that of Marvel’s Spider-Man. Miles Morales’ ability to absorb, store, and explode with massive amounts of energy helps to create a whole new gaming experience for Spider-Man fans.


Along with more interesting powers, Miles’ game also has better music, a more fluid and exciting swing pattern, and Miles is, overall, stronger than Peter. In Marvel’s Spider-Man, Peter Parker splits his attention between saving the city and his personal feelings and obligations. Miles Morales does this as well, but not to the extent that Peter does, so Miles’ game feels more intense and the storyline follows a quicker pace. Despite his lack of gadgets, Miles ends up being more fun to play as than Peter due to his venom powers and camouflage.

Miles Morales’ Powers Are More Fun To Use Than Peter Parker’s

Miles has both bio-electric venom powers and the ability to camouflage himself for a short time. Players can build up their venom power in Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales and unleash it in a massive blast affecting multiple enemies, or they can use smaller bursts to knock out one enemy at a time. Miles has multiple venom-powered takedowns as well as combat and web-based moves that are similar to Peter Parker’s. With Miles’ added abilities, he plays like an upgraded and more enjoyable Spider-Man.

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The stealth missions in Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales are more interesting because Miles can use camouflage to get up close to his enemies without getting caught. He uses his camouflage ability to escape dangerous situations or gather intel. Peter Parker is able to use stealth, but not in the same way as Miles. Peter has to quietly sneak around and hide behind corners to be stealthy, whereas Miles’ camouflage lets players experience stealth missions in Marvel’s Spider-Man in a completely different way.

Peter Parker’s Romance With MJ Takes Up Too Much Focus

Throughout Marvel’s Spider-Man, the action is slowed down by Peter’s tense relationship with Mary Jane Watson and his determination to win her back while still keeping her safe. This romance has become a staple in Spider-Man games, but it slows the pace of the game and focuses more on Peter than it does on Spider-Man as a hero. Miles has some personal conflicts, but they are woven into the story more naturally than in Peter Parker’s game.

For Miles, the conflict in his personal life is similar to Peter’s tension with Otto in Marvel’s Spider-Man, because the major villain is also Miles’ best friend. However, the relationship is driven by the action in Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales unlike Peter and MJ’s constant phone bickering or awkward cutscenes. This may be fixed in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, because Peter and MJ are together, but the inclusion of the romance in the first game makes Miles Morales seem much better at balancing his personal life with being Spider-Man.

Miles Morales Has A Better Taste In Music Than Peter

The music in Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is one of the best parts of the game. Coupling some action-packed missions with intense music and more relaxed scenes with the rhythmic songs included throughout Miles Morales makes the game more enjoyable than Marvel’s Spider-Man. The music also makes Miles seem cooler than Peter who, instead of having great music, is constantly making dad jokes or narrating his life.

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Miles Morales Is A Stronger Spider-Man Than Peter Parker

Miles can survive through much more damage than Peter Parker. He’s able to absorb energy from Roxxon’s generators and initially holds the power without faltering. Miles’ bio-electric abilities could make him a much tougher opponent than Peter Parker for enemies like Electro or Shocker. During the last mission of Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Miles proves how strong he is by surviving an explosion that would have definitely killed Peter Parker.

Aside from physical strength, Miles also handles his emotional crises throughout Marvel’s Spider-Man better than Peter does. Peter seems to be in a constant state of near-emotional breakdown, while Miles deals with the death of his father and the betrayal of his best friend rather well. He also ends up fighting his uncle that he recently reconnected with, but nothing seems to really break Miles. Since Peter Parker has been Spider-Man longer and has seen more tragedy, he has suffered much more than Miles.

Miles Has Better Moves Than Peter Parker In Marvel’s Spider-Man

While both Peter Parker and Miles Morales are incredibly fun to swing around the city with, Miles has more air tricks to perform, and his movements feel more fluid. Peter Parker is the more experienced web-slinger, but he’s not nearly as fun. Peter’s air tricks are limited compared to Miles’, and his swinging is more controlled. Miles zips around in an almost clumsy fashion, but it makes him more interesting to use while players are traveling across the city.

Miles is also more fun to use in combat. As Spider-Man, Miles Morales’ wall takedowns and various move combinations flow better than Peter Parker’s did in Marvel’s Spider-Man. Miles also has more skill options in combat due to his additional powers. Miles can use special wall and ceiling takedowns that weren’t included in Marvel’s Spider-Man for Peter Parker. Although Peter has some exciting moves, the novelty of combat wears off quicker in Marvel’s Spider-Man than it does in Miles Morales.

Both Miles Morales and Peter Parker are incredibly fun to play as in Marvel’s Spider-Man, but Miles has a lot of qualities that make him better than Peter. Although there are some areas where Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is lacking, the character still has more interesting abilities and offers a unique Spider-Man experience. With a longer PS5 game after Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, Miles Morales could completely outshine Peter Parker as the web-swinging hero in Marvel’s Spider-Man.

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