Marvel Comics has introduced a number of heroes who gained significant powers and abilities from the super soldier serum, but one hero, the Sentry, became the most powerful in the entire universe after taking a special dose. Bob Reynolds was a junkie looking for his next fix, which led to him ingesting a super soldier serum that turned him into a hero whose powers make Captain America look weak.

The super soldier serum originally turned Steve Rogers from a scrawny man into a perfect physical specimen, leading him to become Captain America. Over the years, there have been a number of variations on the super soldier serum in the Marvel Comics Universe, that led to the creation of a number of soldiers including Taskmaster, Black Widow, Luke Cage, Isaiah Bradley, and Patriot. In the 1940s, a Canadian/American joint government project tried to recreate the super soldier serum but a version that was over a hundred thousand times stronger than the one given to Captain America. The serum did succeed in its goal, but it was stolen and ingested to create the strongest hero ever.


In The Sentry #8 (2006) by Paul Jenkins, John Romita Jr., Mark Morales, Dean White, Richard Isanove, and VC’s Rus Wooton, a schizophrenic Bob Reynolds breaks into a facility housing the experimental super soldier serum. In order to get high, Reynolds ingests the serum which transforms him into one of the most powerful (yet unstable) heroes ever conceived.

Sentry’s powers gained from the super soldier serum are unrivaled in the Marvel Universe. He can pretty much do anything as the Sentry, as he’s got superhuman strength, sight, and smell, can manipulate energy, can fly, is nearly unkillable, and has the powers of millions of exploding suns. While all of those abilities might sound beneficial, it also comes with a cost. An entity known as the Void tries to control the Sentry, as it’s capable of destroying the universe if the Sentry fails to stop it. His powers are so unpredictably powerful, when he first debuted he was a normal man whose memory was erased by his fellow heroes. The Sentry would later join the Avengers and be killed fighting Knull, the God of Symbiotes – a death made more shocking as the King in Black disposed of him with ease.

With the super soldier serum taking the spotlight again due to The Falcon and Winter Soldier showcasing more doses being found and used, it’s important to remember that while the serum can turn a normal being into a super soldier, it also can have serious negative side effects. Obviously, the Sentry’s serum the most extreme example of that – as it led to the creation of Marvel’s most powerful, yet unpredictable hero to date.

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