Warning! Spoilers for Fantastic Four #42 by Marvel Comics

The Thing just unloaded on Mr. Fantastic, giving his fellow Fantastic Four hero the beating of a lifetime after Reed Richards lied about the death of his family. In Fantastic Four #42, Reed informs Ben Grimm that his family was sacrificed to stop the Reckoning from reaching the Forever Gate. However, it turns out to be a lie to refocus the rocky hero toward the task at hand. But, still, The Thing makes sure to get so much-deserved aggression out on Mr. Fantastic before being told the truth.

Reed Richards might be one of the most important superheroes in Marvel Comics history, but he’s proven to be quite the jerk at the same time over the years. From Mr. Fantastic’s treatment of his wife to joining the Illuminati in secret, to most recently, gaining the powers of the Watcher, he has caused continued frustration among the Fantastic Four team he’s supposed to lead. In the current Reckoning War, Richards just told one of the biggest lies in Marvel history, which caused The Thing to unleash his full rage at the hero in a beating that’s been a long time in the making.


In the Fantastic Four #42 by Dan Slott, Rachel Stott, Jesus Aburtov, Erick Arciniega, and VC’s Joe Caramagna, Mr. Fantastic informs The Thing that with the Badoon storming the Forever Gate, their children (and Alicia Masters) were sacrificed to stop them. After Reed Richards tells him the stakes were simply to high to let his family live, Ben Grimm loses control and gives his longtime teammate a beating while unleashing his anger like never before.

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The Thing’s beating leaves Mr. Fantastic unspooled and bloody, as the hero doesn’t hold back against the Fantastic Four’s longtime leader. However, once he manages to get up, Reed informs Ben he was lying about his family’s death, believing he became too unfocused and held back because of them. It’s a messed up way for Mr. Fantastic to get The Thing to unleash his full might, but ultimately, an angry Ben sees where he was coming from.

Mr. Fantastic has always pushed the Fantastic Four to the edge, as his ego often puts them in dangerous positions. So, The Thing giving Reed Richards the beating he’s long deserved had to feel good for the hero as he unleashed years of anger and frustration on him. Mr. Fantastic crossed a line with his lie even if it should help The Thing in the long run. Fantastic Four #42 is in comic book stores now.

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