WARNING: This article contains SPOILERS for The Mighty Thor #706

Jane Foster’s Thor may have died in Marvel’s Universe, but her final destiny is even more incredible. The Mighty Thor#706 picks up where the previous issue left off, bringing Jane Foster’s story to its tragic, inevitable end. Her body ravaged by cancer, Jane knew that transforming into Thor one more time would kill her – and chose to anyway to save Asgard and the gods.

Her death was a beautiful, poignant conclusion, told with a narrative skill only seen in the best comics. It was tragic, it was heartbreakingly emotional, and somehow completely inevitable. But death is never the end of the story when it comes to Thor…


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The Mighty Thor #706 continues the journey of Jane Foster from this life into the next, allowing writer Jason Aaron an opportunity to complete his many character arcs. In the real world, Odin and the Asgardians stand completely shocked, realizing that the new Thor was actually the frail, dying Jane Foster all along. It’s a disgrace that Odin cannot bear, and so his consciousness travels to confront Jane.

The conversation that follows is heart-wrenching, as Odin finally accepts Jane – the “sickly mortal” who caused him so much trouble… before defeating an unbeatable enemy to save all of Asgard. And for her efforts, she has earned her place in the paradise of Valhalla.

When no one else in all the heavens could stand before his wrath. When all hope was lost. You fought on. Even though it cost you your life.” Artist Russell Dauterman captures the scene beautifully, portraying a wealth of emotions on the All-Father’s face. But Jane Foster’s story is not at an end after all.

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She hesitates at the gates of Valhalla, and Odin sees that she is not done with life just yet. He returns to the real world, and together he and Thor Odinson channel the ancient God Tempest held within Mjolnir to bring Jane back. It’s a stunning twist, but a fitting end: Jane’s death was rich in Messianic imagery, so it’s only right that this Messiah die to rise again.

At first glance, this appears to be the end of Mjolnir’s story. The hammer is shattered… but it seems that as Tempest traveled from the Sun to the Moon to resurrect Jane, it carried a fragment of the hammer along with it. The Odinson, still unworthy, can barely hold one of these pieces gifted to him by Jane. But he sees the potential; he can use them to create new hammers, new tools that will be used by those he deems worthy.

The power that raised Jane Foster from the dead will be available to all who are worthy – a beautiful extension of Jane’s legacy, while also explaining the mysterious “hundreds of new hammers” teased in the solicit for the impending Thor relaunch. One of which we know will be giving X-Men’s Storm some of Thor’s powers.

With this chapter, Jason Aaron’s story has found a worthy ending, confirming his place as one of the best comic book writers to write Thor, if not in the entire industry. The age of Jane Foster’s Thor has ended, and it couldn’t have come to a better close.

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MORE: Jane Foster is Marvel’s Best Thor – So They’re Killing Her

The Mighty Thor #706 is available now from Marvel Comics and comic book retailers.

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