Mass Effect is one of the most beloved franchises in all of video game fandom due to its innovative gameplay style, dialogue wheels, and emphasis on players’ choices. With the release of Mass Effect Legendary Edition, fans can now revisit the sci-fi universe of the series all over again, marveling at the improved graphics and playing through the trilogy’s numerous DLCs.

While the trilogy offers plenty of companions to choose from, few are as helpful or likable as that famous turian, Garrus Vakarian. One of the main characters since the start of the franchise, the lizard-like sniper is among the most popular companions in all of Mass Effect. He’s known for his witty banter, interesting backstory, and the emotional connection he forms with the games’ protagonist, Commander Shepard.


With Players From The Very Beginning

Garrus’s introduction to the series came with 2007’s first Mass Effect. When players initially meet Garrus, he is a C-Sec officer–one of the many turian guards who police the Citadel–agitated by the constant rules that come with his job. Tired of all the bureaucratic red-tape, he asks Shepard whether he’d be able to join the Normandy’s crew.

Along with Talia, Garrus is one of the more unique companions in the Mass Effect series, due to him appearing in all three games in the original trilogy. As he’s been around since the series’ start, players have been able to spend plenty of time with Garrus, learning his backstory and growing closer and closer to the turian with each new game that was released.

Free Thinker

The main reason that Garrus leaves his C-Sec duties behind is because of how fed up he becomes with simply following orders. His frustrations with his official responsibilities all stem from his superiors constantly undermining and interfering with his work. Fed up, he looks into cases on his own, even after he is told to cease his investigations.

It’s this reluctance to blindly follow orders that make Garrus such an interesting companion. If he is told to do something he doesn’t agree with, then he’ll personally voice his objection. A sharp-tongued alien merc, he doesn’t mince words when it comes to arguments either, plainly speaking his mind at all times. Rather than a mindless and hopelessly obedient yes man, Garrus is a more pragmatic thinker Shepard can rely on for clear, straightforward advice.

Extremely Honorable

Another key reason Garrus ends up leaving C-Sec is his strong sense of morality. When players first meet Garrus, he has been ordered by his superiors to cease an investigation around Saren’s disappearance. Rather than abandoning the case, Garrus continues his investigations on his own, mostly due to his obligations to do what he felt was right.

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Garrus’s uncompromising attitude when it comes to doing the right thing can be traced directly back to his species. As turians are raised to believe personal honor is the most valued characteristic an individual could have, Garrus operates under his species’ strict moral codes. Time and time again, Garrus demonstrates incredibly honorable actions, making him one of the most morally conscious characters that could accompany Shepard.

Much-needed Comedic Relief

Another key strong point in Garrus’s personality is his constant light-hearted witticisms. As seen with any number of interactions he has with the player, Garrus can be incredibly funny when the situation calls for it. It’s this comedic side to Garrus that makes for additional entertainment value when he accompanies Shepard on missions.

Garrus might be more known for his impressive skillset and calm demeanor, but his ability to crack genuinely funny jokes is also one of his most unique assets. His comedic style can help cut some of the games’ more tense scenes, providing some much-needed relief to scenes that might otherwise take themselves too seriously. Additionally, Garrus also tends to make cheesy attempts at pick-up lines, depending on the gender the player chooses for Shepard.

Incredibly Loyal

Due to his species’ emphasis on honor, Garrus possesses an inflexible sense of loyalty, as seen in his relationship with Shepard. Nearly every time he’s seen on the Normandy, he’ll be the first to volunteer to join Shepard upon hearing about the prospect of a mission.

It’s Garrus’s unwavering loyalty to Shepard that makes him such an ideal companion. Though never afraid to speak his mind, his inner sense of justice and wish to truly make a difference always prevails. A crew member who will always be there to have Shepard’s back, he’s dependable and will always do practically everything that’s asked of him, making him a close friend and a loyal ally.

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Complicated Backstory

Along with Garrus’s past affiliation with C-Sec, he also possesses an interesting backstory. Growing up on Palaven, Garrus earned a full-ride scholarship to study abroad at a young age. Instead of taking it, though, he opted to stay with his family after his mother fell ill, hoping to ensure her full recovery.

Even with the sometimes estranged relationship he has with his family at times time (especially his father), he’s still shown to regularly check up on them and show concern for their well-being. It’s an interesting, realistic backstory that adds dimension to Garrus’s character, giving him more depth and helping establish him as a relatable, three-dimensional character.

Useful In-game Combat Skills

As a turian sniper, it’s easy to understand why Garrus is so useful to bring along for combat missions. He’s incredibly gifted when it comes to taking out targets from a distance, making him a valuable companion to accompany Shepard throughout the main storyline.

Though gifted in long-range fights, Garrus also boasts plenty of other in-game gameplay assets as well. When battles become close-range, he has a powerful assault rifle to rely on. He also has impressive tech skills, which can certainly come in handy when up against heavily armored enemies like the Adjutants.

He Looks Up To Shepard

While their relationship eventually develops into a firm friendship, Garrus and Shepard did not necessarily start as friends. Initially only crewmates together aboard the Normandy, the two had an almost mentor-protégé relationship at first, with Garrus looking up to Shepard.

In Mass Effect 2, Garrus’s idolization of Shepard is abundantly clear. After Shepard’s supposed death at the start of the game, Garrus becomes a vigilante known as Archangel, inspired by Shepard’s strong sense of justice and moral compass. Though his time as Archangel was brief, that he tried continuing Shepard’s legacy is touching on many levels, showing just how much he is influenced by and admires his commander.

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Great Chemistry With Shepard

From his introduction in the original game until the final entry in the trilogy, Shepard and Garrus develop interesting chemistry with one another. Throughout the trilogy, they grow from crew members to casual acquaintances, to old friends who have been through so much together.

As mentioned above, once joining Normandy, Garrus begins to idolize Shepard, admiring his loyalty and bravery from afar. By the third game in the trilogy, Garrus has managed to move beyond looking up to Shepard, becoming more of a friend than simply a protégé. The two’s relationship becomes closer and more balanced as a result.

Fantastic Love Interest

Not only does Garrus make for simply a great friend in the game, but he also has the potential to be one of Shepard’s romantic interests in Mass Effect as well. In Mass Effect 2, Garrus was added as a character Shepard can flirt with, eventually resulting in a mutual relationship between the two.

Garrus’s inclusion as a romantic interest in the second game was one that fans immediately approved of. While seemingly an odd option given both Shepard and Garrus’s different species, the romance was shown to be more dependent on their personalities than their looks. The relationship that could potentially form between the two proved popular among fans, adding a new and interesting aspect to Garrus and Shepard’s interactions together.

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