There are tons of smaller side missions in Mass Effect 2 that can earn Shepard more experience and morality points. While Mass Effect: Legendary Edition promises to tweak the Paragon and Renegade morality system, morality in the classic trilogy can be tricky to navigate. When Shepard is faced with a decision throughout the Mass Effect trilogy, the player can choose between a Paragon option, a Renegade option, and something more neutral in between. Often, these responses grant morality points. The more morality points Shepard has in Paragon or Renegade, the more dialogue options open up in that style. There is a catch, however; in Mass Effect 2, morality points are calculated based on the ratio of how many points are available in a given area to how many Shepard has collected. On major hubs like the Citadel, small side missions and asking shopkeepers to grant a discount contribute to this ratio. This means players will want to complete as many smaller missions and talk to as many people as possible to improve their morality score. Shepard can earn an easy five points in either the Paragon or Renegade category by eavesdropping on a pair of krogan having a somewhat familiar conversation.


While outside the Souvenir Shop on the Citadel in Mass Effect 2, Shepard can overhear two krogan wondering whether there are fish in the lakes of the Presidium. Players may recognize this as a sentiment expressed by Wrex in party banter on the Presidium in the original Mass Effect. Overhearing these krogan talking will open a new side mission called Krogan Sushi. To complete it, Shepard will need to find out about fish on the Presidium and return to the krogan with the news, whether it’s true or not. Here’s how to complete the Krogan Sushi side mission and earn more morality points in Mass Effect 2.

How to Find Out About Presidium Fish in Mass Effect 2

On the Citadel in Mass Effect 2, Shepard can find the two krogan, Kargesh and Rukar discussing fish on the Presidium on Level 27. Once the quest becomes active, Shepard should head upstairs or take a cab to Level 28 and enter the Dark Star Lounge. Near the bar, they will find a turian Presidium Groundskeeper. They can ask him whether there are fish in the lakes, and he will explain that the lakes are reservoirs for those living on the Presidium to get water.

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Shepard can head back down to Level 27 and approach the krogan. They can ask the krogan why they want to know about the fish. Then, they can choose how to respond. The Paragon option allows Shepard to simply tell the krogan the truth, that there are no fish. The Renegade option allows Shepard to lie. With this option selected, Shepard can sell the krogan a fish, which they will claim came from the Presidium lakes.

Both options will result in five morality points, either toward Paragon or Renegade. Shepard can also earn 40 to 50 experience for completing this side mission. Whether Shepard lies or not, the krogan will pay them 1,000 credits for the information. While not one of the more major or pressing missions in Mass Effect 2, completing Krogan Sushi is an easy way to earn some quick credits, experience, and morality points as Shepard prepares their squad to survive the endgame Suicide Mission.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition launches May 14, 2021 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, with forward compatibility for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.

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