Mass Effect Legendary Edition is known, in part, for its wide selection of companions that players can meet during their travels. In Mass Effect 2, players will encounter a potential companion named Jack. Jack, also known as Subject Zero, is a biotic criminal considered so volatile she was kept in cryogenic stasis during her captivity. One of the more interesting and dangerous companions, Jack is more than a worthy squadmate. Here’s how to gain Jack’s loyalty in Mass Effect 2.

After players have recruited Jack to the squad and completed the mission on Horizon, they can conversate with Jack in her room on the Engineering Deck. Jack details to Shepard how she wants to destroy the Teltin facility on Pragia, which is the place where Jack was tortured while Cerberus conducted experiments on her. This begins the Jack’s loyalty questline. Players must head to Pragia and complete the quests there to gain Jack’s loyalty.


Mass Effect 2: How to Complete the Pragia Questline to Make Jack Loyal

Once players have landed on Pragia, proceed into the Teltin facility. Head down a set of stairs in the large atrium room, then go toward the right. Be careful moving under the catwalk situated above! Varren will pop out from around the corner and attack the squad. Kill the varren and activate the nearby bloodstain to conversate with Jack. After the conversation, open the door and go downstairs.

The next room contains vorcha and Krogan warriors from the Blood Pack. Keep these enemies at a distance using an arsenal of ranged weapons and abilities, as players do not want to get swarmed in close range. Use the operating tables as cover to take these enemies down. After the opponents are dispatched, two more vorcha will burst through the windows on the left. Kill these vorcha and bypass the door to continue down the hall. At the end of the catwalk, head down the stairs and enter the doorway. Two vorcha will be waiting to attack the squad from the walkway above. After destroying them, move down the stairs into the cell block. Varren will jump out of the cells and attack the squad as they move through this corridor.

Move to the next room and proceed forward on the catwalk. Bypass the door that lies ahead to activate a cutscene detailing a Krogan boss, Aresh’s, arrival. Players must make a choice to progress past this sequence. Once players have made their choice, the squad will be taken back to the shuttle, and eventually, the Normandy. On the Normandy, Jack and another companion named Miranda begin fighting and Shepard must step in to mediate the situation. Make sure to choose dialogue options carefully in this conversation; players must side with Jack to gain her loyalty. Only one character’s respect can be earned during this conversation unless players have enough paragon or renegade points to appease both companions. However, if players make mistakes during this conversation and lose Jack’s respect, they will be able to gain her loyalty in a future conversation.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One

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