Mass Effect: Legendary Edition has been out for just over a week and is already receiving high praise. The collection features remasters of the first three games and loads of downloadable content included. While it is missing some beloved features, that may be remedied in a future update.

In Mass Effect 2, Shepard must recruit a strong team to take on the mysterious Collectors. Even after joining Cerberus and the Normandy, many of them have separate personal missions to earn their loyalty. This is even true for starting party members, Jacob Taylor and Miranda Lawson. Jacob in particular may be a bit cagey at first but will open up after the game’s midway point.


Advanced Equipment and Powers in Mass Effect 2

While Jacob Taylor’s loyalty mission contains some story and dialogue choices, it is one of the more combat-focused missions. Players will want to be significant level along with knowing powers and weapons that are good at dealing with Loki mechs, Ymir mechs, and rapid machine gun wielders. Enemies in this mission will decimate player shields as they favor Disruptor Ammo. It is highly recommended to attempt this mission after completing the corresponding missions of either Grunt, Tali, or Legion. This will allow Shepard (and the ally they previously aided) access to bonus defensive powers like Fortification, Energy Drain, or Geth Shield Boost. Learning Stasis from Liara by completing Lair of the Shadow Broker is also a good option.

Jacob is a mandatory teammate for the missions. He is similar to a ranged-focused Vanguard, with access to Incendiary Rounds and Pull, allowing him to shred through armor and toss around helpless enemies. There are some story perks for bringing along Miranda, but her Sentinel combat style might not be as useful in this mission. Instead consider an electronics specialist like Tali, Legion, or Kasumi.

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Finally, players will want to have a strong heavy weapon in their loadout. The Arc Projector that is received along with an e-mail from the Illusive Man is a good choice, though a bit slow to fire. Another option is the M-622 Avalanche players can build from several Heavy Weapons Upgrades on the Normandy for 15,000 iridium.

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Players will need to have recruited Garrus, Jack, Mordin, and acquired Grunt’s tank (through the Krogan can be left inside it). This will trigger the intermission at on Horizon colony. Afterwards, Kelly Chambers will inform players that Jacob Taylor would like to chat. Approach Jacob and he will inform Shepard that he received a distress call from his father, but his ship had gone missing over ten years ago. Note that if prompted directly after Horizon, players will only have five missions before the next story beat: the Collector Ship. However, after that battle players will be free indefinitely to finish all side missions (though the Illusive Man may call to nudge players toward the Reaper IFF).

Planet Aeia

When ready, players will need to head to the Rosseta Nebula cluster, Alpha Draconis System, and finally the planet Aeia. Players will take a shuttle to the crash site of the Hugo Gernsback, the lost ship of Ronald Taylor. Approach the wreck and listen to the VI distress message. Read all of the data logs for clues of what happened after the crash and some extra 3,000 credits. An important note is that the planet’s plants are semi-toxic and cause brain damage if eaten.

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Search further around to find spare parts for salvaging, along with a ship survivor hiding behind some crates. She will start ranting about the “leader”. Using the calm down option will yield Paragon points. Shepard and the team will then be ambushed by a group of hunters – other survivors that have become disloyal to Taylor. Despite each hunter being weak, they have overwhelming numbers making it a great idea to concentrate on area of effect attacks. Also be wary of the survivor (even if she wasn’t helped), as she may be an annoying obstacle in the way of Shepard’s movement.

Advance forward to find a settlement. It appears that the men and women have been segregated, and they are terrified that Jacob resembles Ronald. Search around to find more credits, medi-gel, and evidence that the Hugo Gernsback’s supplies have not been used. Be careful exploring as Loki mechs will soon charge in waves. After destroying them, talk to the doctor to gain a datapad which will start a conversation with Jacob. Give very harsh responses to gain Renegade points. Then ask for Jacob’s feelings about his father for Paragon points. Hack the boxes blocking the path and they will detonate in five seconds, clearing the way to Ronald’s stronghold.

Taylor Stronghold

Ronald will start broadcasting that he is only now been freed and that the automated defenses cannot be stopped, but Jacob warns Shepard that it is a lie. Search around to find some nearby corpses for examination. Soon several waves of Loki mechs will attack. Around 10 or 12 will come in total depending on difficulty. They aren’t strong but can come from all directions and flank players. After they are destroyed, scan around for a Heavy Pistol upgrade.

Closer to the base, Shepard will be attacked by human guards, an Engineer drone, and a threatening Ymir mech. It is a good idea to focus fire on the Ymir, and leave the guards for later. Once destroyed, loot the area and then approach for where Ronald is waiting. Shepard can either be upfront that Jacob assisted for Paragon points or hide the Cerberus agent’s identity from Ronald for Renegade points. Either way, Ronald will try to justify poisoning and mind-controlling his crew. Shepard can grill Ronald for more details about the fate of the crew. When satisfied, players can decide to arrest Ronald, strand him on Aeia, or give him a gun to commit suicide.

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Normandy Conclusion

When returning to Normandy, Jacob will call up the Illusive Man and want to know who forwarded the distress signal. Miranda will now enter (unless she perished in the Suicide Mission) and explain that it was her doing. Shepard can react supportive or cautious for even more Paragon and Renegade points. Jacob will also give some hints of his past with Miranda from the defunct Mass Effect Galaxy mobile game.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is available for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One

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