Like every other game in the series, Mass Effect 2 allows players to recruit – and then potentially even romance – a wide host of characters during Shepard’s fight to save the galaxy. One of these crewmates is Kasumi Goto, the master thief introduced in Mass Effect 2‘s Stolen Memory DLC. Despite being a DLC character, Kasumi functions similarly to just about every other member of Shepard’s squad, and even has a loyalty mission that must be completed to ensure her survival. However, some fans are uncertain whether or not she can be romanced.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition, as a culmination of the entire original trilogy, includes almost every Mass Effect DLC, which means that returning fans who were unable to recruit Kasumi in the Mass Effect 2 base game can now bring her onto the Normandy for the first time. Kasumi isn’t the only DLC crewmate featured in the franchise, and the other two – Zaeed Massani in Mass Effect 2 and Javik in Mass Effect 3 – are also included in Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Both Kasumi and Zaeed behave almost identically to other members of Shepard’s squad. They’ll take up residence in a specific area of the ship upon being recruited and can be interacted with in order to learn more about them, though their interaction opportunities are relatively limited compared to base game squad members.


In order for her to survive the suicide mission and later appear in Mass Effect 3, players will also have to complete Kasumi’s loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2, as is the case with every member of Shepard’s squad. However, Kasumi does lack one notable feature that many other companions in the game have, and that’s the ability to be romanced by either a male or female Shepard. This is the same for all three of the trilogy’s DLC crewmates. While this may be disappointing to some players, Kasumi’s lack of romantic storyline in Mass Effect 2 is understandable, and especially in light of the storylines introduced in her loyalty mission.

Why Kasumi’s Lack Of Romance Makes Sense in Mass Effect 2

Kasumi’s loyalty mission revolves around stealing back the graybox, a memory cache belonging to her former partner Keiji. Memory fragments and conversations that Shepard can observe at the end of the mission strongly imply that Kasumi and Keiji’s relationship was romantic – and, more obviously, that Kasumi is very much not over the recent loss. Although Shepard is given the option to destroy the graybox and encourage Kasumi to move on, it’s still apparent that she isn’t quite ready for a serious new relationship. Fortunately, players are provided with multiple other romance options in Mass Effect 2 instead.

A male Shepard can romance Miranda, Tali, or Jack, and a female Shepard can romance Jacob, Garrus, or Thane. Samara and Kelly Chambers are available as romance options for Shepard regardless of gender, as is Samara’s daughter Morinth, for players who choose to let her live. Players who romanced certain companions in Mass Effect 1, like Liara or Ashley/Kaidan, are also given the option to refrain from romancing anyone in Mass Effect 2 for the sake of carrying the relationship faithfully over into Mass Effect 3. Ultimately, despite the lack of a proper romance for Kasumi, Mass Effect 2 takes many steps to provide players with plenty of options to choose from.

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