Fans of the franchise have begun to speculate as of late that Mass Effect 4 could see the series introduce a non-traditional protagonist to the world of RPGs by allowing players to take control of one of the trilogy’s many alien species. Many of these theories involve the asari – a species that theoretically would be more straightforward to animate, given their close resemblance to humans – but there are other races worth considering for the role of protagonist, and previous Mass Effect titles have proven that they could be just as feasible to include.

The inclusion of Liara T’soni in the ME4 teaser trailer has led to some theories that she’ll be the player character in the next Mass Effect title, which seems feasible given that the franchise appears to be returning to the setting of the original trilogy in order to continue its story. Others have instead presented the idea that Mass Effect 4‘s hero could be an entirely new character, involved with neither Shepard nor Mass Effect: Andromeda‘s protagonist Ryder, and would instead simply be an unknown asari in that case.


It’s worth noting, however, that it seems just as likely that any other alien race could be playable in Mass Effect 4. The franchise has utilized various different species as companions before: quarians, salarians, and even protheans. Additionally, Mass Effect 3‘s multiplayer game mode – which was removed from Mass Effect Legendary Edition – even allowed players to directly control classes that consist of various alien races, many of which would be strong contenders to fill the role of ME4‘s playable character.

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Races That Should Be Playable In ME4 – Turians

One of the franchise’s turian companions, Garrus, is a fan-favorite crewmate and romance option in the Mass Effect series. Although the race was shown to be primarily male in early Mass Effect games, the Omega DLC and, later, Mass Effect: Andromeda, also introduced female turians into the games. As a highly military-focused race, they’re also proficient in battle. These factors make it both feasible and probable that a turian character could be playable in Mass Effect 4.

Races That Should Be Playable In ME4 – Krogan

Mass Effect’s krogan are essentially walking tanks, with redundant nervous systems and backup organs that allow them to keep fighting seemingly no matter how many hits they take. Wrex and Grunt, the two krogan companions introduced in the original Mass Effect trilogy, both have high endurance and effective combat abilities; and although krogan biotics are rare, they’re notably powerful, meaning that a playable krogan could allow for a wide variety of playstyles and combat skills.

Races That Should Be Playable In ME4 – The Geth

The geth are a slightly more unlikely choice solely because of the fact that the state of their species is largely dependent on player choices by the end of Mass Effect 3. During the mission on Rannoch, players are given the option to drive the geth collective to extinction; additionally, if players choose the Destroy ending upon completing the game, it seems to indicate that all synthetics – the geth included – are entirely destroyed, though whether this is permanent or not is unknown. On the other hand, players have the opportunity to allow the geth to achieve true sentience, meaning that a free-thinking (and playable) geth is entirely possible in such a scenario. These factors would make them a genuinely unique choice as a playable character. Ultimately, however, the state of the geth will depend on how BioWare chooses to establish and carry over the canon ending of the trilogy in Mass Effect 4.

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