Commander Shepard is one of the most recognizable characters in western RPGs due to being a part of the popular Mass Effect trilogy. Shepard is a soldier who fights the Reapers for the sake of the galaxy across the story. However, Bioware gave players the choice to decide what Shepard should become in their games. If the player cannot determine their Shepard or want to play the game right away, Bioware has given them the option of playing a default, Shepard.

These are several reasons why players should stick with playing the default Shepard and why it’s better to customize the character entirely.

10 Default – Closer To Bioware’s Promotional Design

Arguably one of the most apparent reasons players should choose the default Shepard is because Bioware has promoted that version of the character over the years. From their N7 armor to the weapons that they can wield, Shepard has been defined as a mighty soldier first and foremost.

The male default Shepard, in particular, has appeared in every single box art throughout the series and genuinely feels more like a central character rather than a customizable one. Because of this, it might give players more reason to play a default Shepard rather than a customizable one.

9 Custom – Shepard’s Face Design

Part of the fun of having a customizable character is the opportunity to create what they want to look like in the game world. Commander Shepard is no exception as the player has a variety of options to make their own Shepard. Shepard can be any race, be any gender, and have whatever face they wish to create. Players who appreciate this customization could also put themselves to the Shepard character to feel more profound into the game experience.


8 Default – Male Head Model

Although players can create their faces for Commander Shepard, the default head models are arguably the most well-designed due to being based on real-life models. The male default Shepard head model, for example, is based on supermodel Mark Vanderloo. The default female Shepard head, particularly the legendary edition version, has more life and detail compared to the customizable options present in the Mass Effect series.

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7 Custom – Character Class

Players have the opportunity to customize Shepard into whatever class they want to be, rather than having soldier as their default option. Players can be a powerful biotic, a tech expert, or possibly a mixture of both. As a result, Shepard could play entirely differently depending on what the player desires in the game, making the experience more personal, giving the character more options in combat.

6 Default – Set Backstory

Thanks to the convenience offered by Bioware, the default Shepard already has a set backstory as an earthborn soldier who is the sole survivor of a thresher maw attack. The event defined Shepard as overcoming their issues physically and mentally, arguably explaining why the character is fearless even against a threat like the Reapers. Earthborn Shepard also grants them a backstory where they were an orphan who used to be a criminal before joining the Alliance.

5 Custom – Fluid Backstory

Additionally to the players having an opportunity to change their Shepard’s gender or the abilities that they use, players can also choose what background they want for the soldier. Having a fluid backstory selected by the player allows for an increase of either paragon or renegade points during gameplay. As a result, Shepard can have a unique backstory that might appeal to players more than the game’s default options.

4 Default – Knowing What To Expect

When it comes to the default Shepard, several players understand that they’ll know what to expect when playing the game with the chosen role. Thankfully, the Mass Effect series still has plenty of different RPG elements that allow players to have some freedom as to who they want to romance or what armor pieces they would like to wear. However, default Shepard doesn’t deviate as much when it comes to the core gameplay due to their soldier class.

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3 Custom – Variety

If there is anything that defines what a customizable Shepard provides for the gameplay of the Mass Effect trilogy, it’s the variety of options given to the player. From the gameplay to the different backstories, players can enjoy variety to become a more enjoyable experience when exploring the galaxy. Particularly true when Shepard is similar looking to the player, which offers a personal experience for the trilogy.

2 Default – A Game Experience

Arguably, playing as the default Shepard allows the player to experience the games in the way that Bioware intended. Although the games are customizable and designed to be so, default Shepard has been present in many promotional artworks that could make players feel more comfortable playing Shepard.

As a result, the experience of playing default Shepard makes players feel like they are following the story of a fully-realized Shepard that is an earthborn soldier that’s extraordinary in fighting the Reapers. The RPG elements in the trilogy offer enough choice for the player to make the experience not feel restrictive.

1 Custom – Personal Experience

However, as many players have come to experience and enjoy the Mass Effect trilogy, part of the fun is playing their version of Commander Shepard. Creating Shepard to be similar to how they look or with unique backstories and abilities combined with the choices made in the games from their decisions helps to create a personal experience for the player—allowing for the player to feel more connected with the stories that have won a fanbase for years.

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