Shepard spends the majority of Mass Effecttracking down Saren Arterius, the turian ex-Specter responsible for killing Nihlus and going after the Prothean beam on Eden Prime. Shepard will face Saren twice during the main campaign of Mass Effect. The first time, they will face him as himself on Virmire, just before destroying his base. The second time, they will face a warped and twisted version of him, largely controlled by the Reaper Sovereign, as the game’s final boss. Saren is powerful in combat, and he has some immunities that make fighting him more difficult.


When facing Saren in Mass Effect, Shepard will want to bring a well-rounded squad with proficiency using tech and combat abilities. While biotics are not entirely useless against him, Saren is a biotic and has some immunities to certain biotic powers that make them less effective. Fighting Saren will require players to move around often, as mobility is usually more important than cover. Saren is also sometimes joined by a few of the Geth, making the fight a little trickier to beat. Here are some tips and strategies players can use to defeat Saren in Mass Effect.

How to Fight and Defeat Saren in Mass Effect

To fight and defeat Saren in Mass Effect, players will want to focus on using heavy firepower and tech abilities. Shepard and their squad will first face Saren on Virmire. During this fight, he will spend most of his time on a mobile hovercraft, frequently moving around the arena and gaining the high ground and advantage against Shepard.

Typically, during this first fight, Saren will focus most of his attention on Shepard. That leaves an opportunity for Shepard’s two squadmates to attack more or less unchallenged. Players can use the combat HUD to order each squadmate to attack Saren, especially from a side or flanking position, while he is distracted. Squadmates with tech abilities, like Sabotage or Overload, will be particularly useful. Saren frequently hovers over fuel canisters around the level, and using Overload will cause them to explode with force, often dealing significant damage to the turian.

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Saren likes to use biotics and heavier weapons against Shepard. He has access to Throw, Warp, Carnage, Sabotage, Damping, and Shield Boost and will use a Geth Pulse Rifle. To prevent him from firing or using his abilities, Shepard or a squadmate should use Sabotage and Damping as often as possible. Of course, he will often use these against Shepard as well. Saren is immune to biotic abilities, except Warp and Stasis, so Shepard should avoid using all but those to fight him the first time. Eventually, when Shepard chips Saren’s health and shields down enough, he will retreat.

During the final battle, after Saren falls in the Council Chambers on the Citadel, Sovereign will possess his body and turn him into a husk-style creature. His tactics will change at this point, and he will fight more like a Geth Hopper, climbing and jumping from ground to cover to ceiling. It is important to note he will no longer be immune to most biotics, as he essentially becomes synthetic rather than organic.

During the second fight against what remains of Saren, Shepard should stay mobile. Saren moves around more during this fight than he does in the first one, and finding a better position from which to land a few shots will be more important than staying in cover, which won’t do much against him when he jumps onto the ceiling or walls. He has access to an energy ball attack that can be devastating if it lands directly. It is more difficult for Saren and any Geth he summons to hit Shepard while they are moving.

Like before, Shepard should prioritize using abilities like Sabotage and Damping to prevent the husk of Saren from using his more powerful attacks. Shepard can bring along a biotic specialist or use their biotic abilities like Throw, Stasis, and Lift to prevent Saren’s movement for a short time and land more direct hits at once. He is only immune to Singularity and Neural Shock during this fight, but all other powers will be useful. Assault Rifles, Pistols with the Master Marksman ability, and Sledgehammer or Polonium Rounds are also effective against him.

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Once Shepard lowers Saren’s shields and gets his health down to 25%, a cutscene will begin. After the cutscene, his shields will be back at full strength and need to be broken through again. As soon as Shepard defeats the husk of Saren in Mass Effect, it triggers the final cutscene, completing the main campaign.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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