A dedicated Mass Effect fan has built a miniature LEGO replica of the fearsome Reapers. These ancient mechanical warships served as the main antagonists of the original Mass Effect trilogy, a threat that was so great that the fully customizable Commander Shepard was tasked with gathering together a squad of allies from across the Milky Way galaxy in order to halt their devastating mission of annihilating all organic life from the universe.

Details about the ominous Reapers were unveiled slowly throughout the first three entries in BioWare’s massively successful Mass Effect series, with the citizens of the Milky Way initially believing them to be a mythical deity worshiped by the synthetic Geth. The stories turned out to be very real in the first Mass Effect game, which saw the rogue Turian Specter Saren Arterius fall under the sway of a Reaper named Sovereign as the first part of the larger invasion to come. While the Reapers briefly stepped out of focus during 2009’s Mass Effect 2, their shadow still fell over events as Commander Shepard formed an uneasy alliance with the human terrorist group Cerberus to uncover a plot involving the Reaper-allied Collectors. Everything came to a head in 2011’s Mass Effect 3, which saw the various races of the galaxy unite against the Reapers as they unleashed their final assault. Shepard was able to put an end to the Reaper threat during Mass Effect 3’s controversial ending, but at a great cost to themselves and the galaxy at large.  


Reddit user dr_pupsgesicht recently posted a collection of images featuring a few custom-made LEGO models to the Mass Effect subreddit (via GameRant). These consist of both the standard Reaper design and a special version of Mass Effect 2’s Harbinger, along with a replica of the Destiny Ascension – the Asari dreadnaught that served as the Citadel Fleet’s main warship during the Reaper attack at the end of Mass Effect 1. Dr_pupsgesicht’s LEGO post has gained about 816 upvotes since it was first uploaded last week, with fans in the comment section praising the level of detail in the miniature Reaper models. The only major caveat is that dr_pupsgesicht’s Reapers are light blue instead of the metallic purple of the Reapers in the games, but this is understandable considering how rare purple LEGO pieces are.

LEGO and video games have a long and storied history together, as shown with the Traveler’s Tales-developed LEGO games and the board game-like LEGO Super Mario playsets. Fans have also used the popular Danish building toys to recreate locations and vehicles from their favorite titles, such as the ill-fated Forward Unto Dawn from the Halo series and even Mass Effect’s famous flagship, the Normandy. Meanwhile, fans have recently re-experienced the saga of Commander Shepard and the Reapers on modern consoles thanks to last year’s Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, a remastered version of the first three Mass Effect games (along with most of their assorted DLC) that received rave reviews and even greater sales numbers than publisher EA could have predicted.

Dr_pupsgesicht’s fan-made LEGO Reaper models won’t try to exterminate all organic life in the universe, but they seem incredibly well-built and capture the squid-like design of Mass Effect’s infamous synthetic menace with a surprising level of detail. The Reapers probably won’t return in the upcoming Mass Effect 4, but they have left a lasting impression on fans of BioWare’s seminal sci-fi RPG franchise.

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Source: dr_pupsgesicht’s/Reddit (via GameRant)

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