The Mass Effect trilogy contains three games that are BioWare RPGs through and through, which includes each game having a morality system. During their exploits throughout the Milky Way, Commander Shepard can earn Paragon and Renegade points based on dialogue choices and actions made. Amassing points in one or the other will make more Paragon- or Renegade-aligned dialogue available, and will even let Shepard interrupt conversations in certain ways in Mass Effect 2 and 3. These latter two game also use the series’ morality system to affect the appearance of the player character.

BioWare had set a precedent for this in its earlier Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic game. Star Wars has the epitome of good vs. bad morality alignment with the eternal conflict between the light and dark sides of the Force. In both KOTORs (even though the second was developed by Obsidian), falling to the dark side would give the player’s character the signature yellow eyes of a Sith, and a very similar effect happens in Mass Effect 2 and 3 to a Renegade Commander Shepard.


If Commander Shepard accrues enough Renegade points in either Mass Effect 2 or 3, they will have extremely prominent, glowing red scars across their face. Gaining a high number of Renegade points also makes the Commander’s eyes glow the same red. Although Mass Effect 2 characters can be imported to 3, the scarring will only remain slightly, since not all Paragon and Renegade points are transferred between games.

Shepard’s Physical Side Effects from the Lazarus Project

The scarring that comes from a large number of Renegade points is a symptom of the Lazarus Project, which brought the Commander back to life after they were killed in the opening cinematic of Mass Effect 2. Commander Shepard’s body was destroyed along with the Normandy SR-1, and the pieces were recovered from the planet Alchera so that Cerberus could revive them in an effort known as the Lazarus Project. The Illusive Man’s effort to bring Commander Shepard back to life to face the Reaper threat took roughly two whole years and countless cybernetics.

These cybernetics are in tune with the Commander’s body, disposition, and actions. If Commander Shepard goes the Paragon route after coming back to life, the scars riddling their face will fade, eventually becoming almost imperceptible. A Renegade Shepard, however, causes the scars to deepen and eventually glow in reaction to the violence and hatred often spouted. Players don’t have to live with the scars if they don’t want, since Doctor Chakwas will offer to remove them, a process that can be done through a ship upgrade in Mass Effect 2. The Paragon/Renegade system only affects dialogue in the first Mass Effect, but the results of the Lazarus Project make the morality system have superficial consequences as well.

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