Throughout the Mass Effect Trilogy, the player can choose to play as one of six classes. The player can either upload their saved Commander Shepard and use the same class throughout the entirety of the trilogy, or they can try out a new class with each new game. With Mass Effect: Legendary Edition releasing soon, new players may be wondering what class they should pick. Each class has its own unique abilities and skillsets to set them apart. For those players that like to get up close and personal while dealing massive amounts of damage, the Vanguard is the best option.

The Vanguard class focuses on a mix of close-quarter combat with a specialty in shotguns and pistols, as well as offensive-based biotic powers, but the class abilities vary from game to game. In Mass Effect 1, the player won’t have as much in-depth access to long-range weapons like assault rifles and snipers, but that doesn’t mean they’re at a disadvantage. With the Jedi-like biotic powers, the players with the Vanguard class in Mass Effect will gain access to abilities like Lift, Throw, and Warp. These abilities will allow them to level the playing field by taking enemies out of the fight for a bit and dealing with fewer enemies at one time. The class also has a Barrier skill to allow players to soak up extra damage on top of their ability to use medium armor.


In Mass Effect 2, BioWare reworked the skill tree to give the Vanguards a submachine gun as an additional weapon. The Vanguard class also gains some new abilities, and while some are incorporated under new names, others are off the class completely – like Warp, for instance. Vanguard classes now have Charge, Pull, and Shockwave, as well as both cryo and inferno elemental ammunition. Charge is a brand-new ability that launches the player toward an enemy and body slams them. Shockwave sends out a pulsating blast that hurls the enemies away like Throw in Mass Effect 1. Pull acts similar to Lift from Mass Effect 1, causing the enemies to float in the air. When the player reaches rank 4 in Mass Effect 2‘s upgrades tree, they’re allowed to choose from 2 separate ability alterations. For example, Charge’s upgrade can either do an area of effect against all surrounding enemies or deal even greater damage to a single target while also slowing down time around the player.

Mass Effect’s Vanguard Class Skills Explained

Mass Effect 3 changes the skill tree up yet again, although it is still similar to the one in Mass Effect 2. This time, the Vanguard class keeps all the abilities from the previous game, but with the added ability Nova. Nova uses the player’s Barrier and sends it out as a blast of energy at the enemy. In this game, like Mass Effect 2, once the player reaches rank 4, they can choose between two different ability alterations; however, the ranks go up to 6 this time. This allows the player to split the class up even further to fit their playstyle. As a bonus, players may pick one extra ability in Mass Effect 3 that one of their companions can use, and then use it as their own.

No matter what class the player chooses in the Mass Effect games, it will work effectively. Each class has its own bonuses, so it all depends on preferred playstyles. However, if the player wants to dive into the fray and deal massive damage, Vanguard is an excellent choice.

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