Did Morpheus tell Neo he wasn’t the first “One” before The Architect in The Matrix? It was revealed in The Matrix Reloaded that the mantle of the One is not exclusive to Neo alone, as it is the outcome of an equational anomaly, and is a title that goes back generations. However, in the first Matrix film, Morpheus had already hinted at the same, when he referred to the One as “he who freed the first of us and taught us the truth.”

In order to understand this better, one needs to delve deeper into the concept of the One, and how Neo fits into the greater scheme of things, especially in terms of the war between humans and the Machines. The One is a human male born inside the Matrix, garnering enough power to manipulate aspects of the hyperreal world, altering its structural integrity. While Morpheus, and later Zion, believed Neo to be the second incarnation of the One, he was really the Sixth, meaning the cycle of the Matrix being reloaded had occurred five times before Neo sacrifices himself at the end of Reloaded.


Also referred to as the Prime Program, the Path of the One was created by the Machines in such a way that there would be an inevitable meeting with the Architect, who would then grant them a choice to either select a few individuals before Zion is destroyed, or let humanity face extinction as a whole. These individuals who would be freed, if the One were to choose that option, would then be led to believe that they were the first members of the Resistance, with the One who freed them being the first. However, about 40 minutes into The Matrix, Morpheus tells Neo that he is a reincarnation of the One, the last in a long line of chosen humans destined to free humanity from subjugation. Morpheus’ unshakable belief that Neo was the second One probably stemmed from the fact that the Oracle had prophesied his return, harkening the destruction of the Matrix and the end of the war once and for all.

Although it is hinted numerous times that Neo is only one among the chosen throughout The Matrix trilogy, Neo seems surprised when the Architect mentions the same. The reason behind this can be attributed to the fact that the same information is framed in a new light by the Architect, who also elaborated that the idea of the One is a deliberate creation of the Machines, a manipulation strategy to grant humans the illusion of freedom. This revelation essentially alters Neo’s understanding of his powers and the role he is to play in the war, rendering him as a pawn rather than a true harbinger of rebellion, freedom, and peace.

While Morpheus was wrong about Neo being the second “One” in The Matrix, this was a result of the endless reloading of the matrix’s different iterations and the fact that the people of Zion understandably latched on to the idea that the One would be their savior. Every successful rebellion has a mythic figure who people can project their hopes, dreams, and fears onto, as it grants a massive morale boost and inspires individuals to play their part within a greater frame. As Neo is critical to The Matrixsaga, it will indeed be interesting to witness him returning in some form or the other, for which, one has to wait for the high-anticipated Matrix 4.

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