Netflix’s A Series Of Unfortunate Events is rife with colorful characters; each one has a unique and deep personality. There are heroes, villains, neutral players, and shadowy figures — it’s a multifaceted world with well-developed players. Fans of the show love talking about Olaf, the Baudelaire orphans, and other favorites. Theories run deep as to which Starbucks order, sun sign, and MBTI® they’d be categorized under. You don’t have to look very hard to find these theories, of course. We even have our own theories as to where each character falls on the personality spectrum. Check out our analysis of each character and the Myers-Briggs® type we think they line up with. 


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10. Olaf

Olaf is a slippery character. The Count’s very nature makes his personality hard to pin down. He’s impulsive and isn’t afraid to take risks, all the while being rational and calculating. He’s not afraid to do something bold to get what he wants. One of the most notable traits of Count Olaf is that he’s never alone. He travels with an entourage that hangs on his every word. Olaf is passionate and charismatic, but also has a hard time with structure and organization. Olaf is a great candidate for an ESTP. He loves to be the center of attention. He needs it, in fact. The count requires constant outside validation.

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9. Justice Strauss

Justice Strauss is the mother we all wish the Baudelaire orphans had. She’s as warm, nurturing, and caring as any mom should be. She’s a polar opposite of the despicable Count. Justice Strauss also embraces order; she strives to help everyone around her get more organized. Adding to her nurturing traits, the Justice is an empathetic listener. This makes her fantastic at her job. She strives to completely understand the needs of those around her.

Strauss values shared memories and emotional experiences, which makes her an Obvious ESFJ. This personality type is dedicated to social order and organization. ESFJs are naturally trusting and conflict avoidant. Justice Strauss fits the profile perfectly.

8. Mr. Poe

Ah, Mr. Poe. He’s not the type to dig deeper for a hidden truth. He likes to wrap things up in little boxes with as little effort as possible. Poe is the kind of man who needs things laid out in front of him; he can’t connect the dots on his own. He’s happy to take Olaf’s word as gospel and never questions a thing he says. Poe is most comfortable in a world full of practical logic, valuing doing what’s expected of him. In this case, he’s a natural ISTJ, making him join the most common Myers-Briggs® type. Poe is the most relatable character on the show because he’s the most average.

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7. Uncle Monty

Uncle Monty knows exactly who he is and what he believes in. He has a strong sense of values and is a principled family man. He loves the orphans and daydreams about their future together — you could say he’s a romantic at heart and deeply passionate. His love for what he does is evident to anyone who has a conversation with him. As a herpetologist, he has a dreamer’s heart and has a gift for expressing himself. Communication comes easily to this outgoing guy. Monty sees the world as a teacher, with limitless possibilities to learn new things, making him a clear ENFP.

6. Aunt Josephine

Aunt Josephine is not a risk taker. She’s paranoid, neurotic and lives in constant fear. Josephine sees danger in everything around her. She doesn’t see the world as a thrilling place filled with adventure. Instead, Josephine goes through life in a world full of terror. This character has a very loose grip on reality and can’t always rationally evaluate situations. Josephine is also very clever and highly values the intelligence in others. We see her as a cut and dry ISFJ. This personality type is complicated because most ISFJs don’t adhere perfectly to the profile. Each has a unique expression of shared traits.

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5. Dr. Orwell

Dr. Orwell is the ultimate shadowy figure. She’s worked behind the scenes pulling strings and manipulating plots while staying out of the spotlight. She prefers to let others get their hands dirty while she remains behind the scenes. Dr. Orwell is focused on her goals, forcing her to be intelligent and meticulous. Her plans are carefully laid out and flawless, but she can’t do this alone; she relies on others to act out each step of her plots. Dr. Orwell doesn’t require recognition or outside validation to make her feel valuable. She’s a definite INTJ.

4. Charles

Charles struggles with wanting to be a people pleaser but also having a strict sense of duty to the rules. He doesn’t want to put a toe out of line or break regulations. Charles also wants to be helpful; he wants to contribute and participate.

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Charles is a natural follower and loyal to those he cares about. He feels like an ISFJ to us because this personality type is hard to pin down. They are highly observant, deeply feeling, and capable of great critical thinking skills. The combination makes for perfect doctors, detectives, and therapists. Being able to get to the root of what someone is saying is valuable to all three.

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3. Sunny

It’s difficult to really analyze the personality of an infant. There are so many traits and characteristics that just can’t be observed so early in life. We may not know Sunny as well as the older characters on the show, but we can observe some emerging traits.

Sunny is very open and observant. All babies are constantly absorbing everything around them, and she’s extremely literal and tactile as all babies are. Sunny needs to touch things to understand them. She bites her way through life, you could say. She seems like an ISTP because nothing makes her happier than sinking her teeth into a good book or table leg.

2. Klaus

Klaus is a thinker. He’s happiest alone with a good book, and is deeply wrapped up in the world that exists in his own head. With two sisters to occupy his time, he still prefers his own company. He can appear aloof sometimes because he’s so deep in thought. However, Klaus can get lost in his inner universe and lose his place in the outside world at times. Sometimes he needs a few minutes to catch his footing, and because of this, he’s a clear ISTJ. ISTJs are analytical and logical. He’s a cautious decision maker who prefers to gather all of the facts before he acts.

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1. Violet

Violet is a diligent inventor. When presented with a problem, she sees creative solutions that others would miss. She has no problem thinking outside the box. Where some may need hours to think through a situation, Violet instantly analyzes her circumstances and finds a plan. She also suffers from a rescuer complex, meaning Violet has a big heart and can’t help but want to help others. She wants to use her gifts to solve problems around her. This can eventually burn out ISTPs, though. Her hands-on nature makes her a perfect big sister to little Sunny. She’s also the perfect partner to her brother Klaus.

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