Tim Burton is known for his dark, quirky, “strange and unusual” characters, but that doesn’t mean they’re all sung from a single note. His Beetlejuice cast is a prime example of the many varied personalities that we can find in his works, from the macabre ghoulies and beasties we expect from his imagination to the more “normal” characters, who are often not as normal as they seem.

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When analyzed beneath the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator® lens, each character has even more distinctive traits, and often the very ones we see within ourselves. That’s why Burton’s eccentric figures are ultimately so successful: not just because they’re interesting but because we resonate with them.

10 Beetlejuice: ESTP

Boredom is the enemy of this impatient spirit, and he’ll do anything if it sounds like fun. That’s a recipe for disaster when you’re as dangerous as Beetlejuice happens to be, and he tends to jump in to solve a problem without truly thinking it, or the consequences of his actions, through.

9 Otho: ENTJ

While Otho is known for his charisma and style, he’s also an arrogant person who pushes forward even when it’s not what the people affected by his decisions want. Throwing intense energy into his goals is what Otho is all about, even when it hurts other people.


8 Delia Deetz: ESFP

Delia might be a bold, imaginative creative, but she’s also deeply sensitive and doesn’t take criticism of her art very well. She gets bored easily, which is why moving out into the country isn’t the best idea for her. Her attention isn’t held for long, but luckily as long as she finds something to hold it for a day, like sculpting a bust of Beetlejuice’s head, that will get her by.

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7 Juno: ISTJ

Structure is the name of Juno’s game, which is why she’s frustrating for someone like Adam to work with. She is irritated that the Maitlands haven’t read the entire handbook before contacting her, which would have answered many of their questions. Like other ISTJs, Juno can be insensitive with her frankness.

6 Adam: INTP

It’s frustrating for Adam to have to explain something like his model to those who don’t get it, and figuring out his new “life” with Barbara after the accident tries his patient logic. Given the INTP’s disdain for rules, it’s no wonder that he ultimately turned to Beetlejuice for some help.

5 Jane: ESFJ

She wastes no time selling the home after their accident, which might make her seem callous but it’s simply an extension of her sense of duty.

4 Charles Deetz: ISFJ

Charles needs the break because he suffers from something a lot of ISFJs experience: becoming overloaded with work and family while repressing his own feelings. He needs to engage in a bit of self-care, which was the point of buying the house in the first place.

3 Maxie Dean: ESTJ

Dean’s wife, Sarah, adores the supernatural, which is one of the real reasons why he entertains the idea in the first place. Dean is very judgmental, which is why the family knows they need proof before going to him with the idea that ultimately gets him ejected from their home, carnival-style.

2 Barbara: ENFJ

Barbara wants to always do her best and do good in the world, which is why she’s ultimately willing to share her home as long as she gets some space within it to call her own.

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1 Lydia: INFP

Like other Mediators, Lydia is all about her own emotions and doing what’s right, but she’s also a teenager, which means she can take it to an even more dramatic level.

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