If there is one thing that CSI gets right about real crime scene investigators, it is that there isn’t just one kind of personality that is attracted to that field of work. Some characters on CSI want to be heroes, while others have a strong sense of justice. Some just are lawful, while others feel comfortable living on the wrong side of the law.

The only thing that each investigator has in common is that each one is next level smart and great at their jobs. So let’s run through some of the various personalities that are found on the show and see who is most alike and who is most different.

10 Michael Keppler: INTP

Keppler has a very introverted disposition but his disposition is sometimes overridden by his strong desire to help others. He enjoys spending time with those who have the same hobbies and interests as him, including at work.

His analytical side is his strongest strength as he visually reads people, which allows him to plan ahead based on specific traits he notices in the person. Due to his analytical mind, Keppler prefers living in the realm of reason over feelings. His hunches are based purely on observations rather than pure speculations that some of the other investigators go off of.

9 D.B. Russell: ENTP

Unlike some of his comrades in arms, D.B. Russell knows how to crack a joke. His laid back disposition might be unnerving for those who have a more rule-based approach but none can deny his results. Russell is exceptionally smart, causing him to be confident in his abilities.

He doesn’t mind hunkering down on his position when he feels that he is right, which sometimes can appear argumentative. When others are confounded by a problem, Russell can spot things that might have been overlooked thanks to his strong perception skills.


8 Mac Taylor: INTJ

Mac has a no-nonsense mentality and doesn’t mind enforcing it upon others. His strong sense of justice and doing things by the book would make him a nightmare for those who have ENTP tendencies. A hard worker, Taylor has a military-like mentality and believes others should as well.

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He doesn’t take his job lightly and expects others to do the same. His perfectionist attitude extends beyond his work ethic to how he judges others. When one of his subordinates even contemplated tampering with evidence, he fired him, even though the subordinate didn’t even do the crime.

7 Julie Finlay: ESFJ

Finlay’s ability to be headstrong can be a positive and negative trait depending on the situation. Her disposition can sometimes come off as needy as she wants others’ approval at any cost. While Finlay can be needy, she also loves helping others. Justice is flexible in her mind since she doesn’t mind breaking the rules to get a conviction if she truly believes a person is guilty.

She isn’t afraid to let those around her know that she was fired so that they will feel sorry for her but leaves out the facts that might make her look bad.

6 Nick Stokes: ENFJ

Stokes is the kind of person that can’t help but wear his emotions on his sleeves. His strong sense of justice and fairness is what motivates him. He doesn’t mind going the extra mile for victims due to a strong sense of empathy towards them. He tries to place himself in their shoes and treats people how he would want to be treated.

This compassionate demeanor makes him a great crime scene investigator. However, his empathetic nature can be a drawback, as he is too willing to put himself in danger when in his over-emotional state.

5 Horatio Caine: ENTJ

Depending on which way the wind blows, Horatio Caine’s personality can go. He is a man that people feel very passionate about, whether they love or hate him.

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His aggressive demeanor can lead him down a dark path, but it is a path he is all too willing to go down if it leads to justice for a victim. Caine shows little or no emotion when dealing with very emotional circumstances. He also is not a man to be trifled with, showing little restraint, when his fuse is already lit.

4 Sara Sidle: ENFP

Like Nick Stokes, Sidle sometimes doesn’t know when to leave her emotions at the door. Her empathy for victims tends to make her obsessive, refusing to give up or rest when doing a case, especially if it involves mistreatment towards women. Headstrong, Sidle doesn’t mind breaking protocol or direct orders if she believes the orders are wrong.

This passion for her line of work makes her a difficult person to work with, especially when others do not understand where she is coming from or lack the passion that she carries in her job.

3 Gil Grissom: INTP

Grissom can be a very hard person to read or to get to know. His personality isn’t accustomed to being shaken by anything he sees on the job or in his personal life. His unemotional state can sometimes place him in danger partly due to his inability to grasp the danger he is in.

Grissom’s lack of emotion in most situations should not be construed as a complete lack of feelings as he holds the lives of his friends in great regard. His greatest strength is his strong sense of loyalty to those closest to him.

2 Eric Delko: ENFP

Delko could be described as a free spirit. He loves putting smiles on others’ faces and isn’t afraid of being the center of attention. His overly empathetic nature causes him to take the crimes he witnesses personally, resulting in him having to see a therapist to help cope with the stresses of his work.

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Delko has a strong communication ability, which makes him quite popular with the opposite sex. Even though he would consider himself a player, that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be the first to help a woman in need.

1 Tim Speedle: ENTP

There are two Tim Speedle’s. There is the one who is outgoing and easily excitable; then there is the moody and unsympathetic version. Speedle isn’t motivated by a strong sense of justice or empathy for the victims.

He makes it clear that his line of work is just a profession and nothing more. It isn’t in Speedle’s nature to be cautious whether it is in his job or in his personal life. He enjoys living life on the edge and outwardly wants to project this perception on those around him.

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