No fantasy series can ever hope to truly connect with its fans if it doesn’t manage to have characters that people can cheer for as they struggle against the forces that are trying to destroy their world. Fortunately for fans of The Wheel of Time, the series delves into its characters’ complex psychologies just as much as it focuses on grand battles and the eternal conflict between good and evil –  which surely makes it the newest addition to the top fantasy and supernatural shows based on a book.

Thus, it is especially useful to look at the characters through the psychological prism provided by the Meyers-Briggs® system in order to gain a better understanding of them.


Rand – INFP

Rand is one of the series’ most likable characters, and he clearly has a commitment to the other people who set out from the Two Rivers with Moiraine. Like other people who fall into this personality category, he is driven to make sure that the world outside matches his vision. He actually proves that he is one of the main catalysts of the action in the latter half of the season, once he realizes that he is the Dragon Reborn and goes with Moiraine to challenge the Dark One. He is, therefore, Wheel of Time‘s counterpart to Frodo Baggins.

Perrin – ISFJ

The ISFJ is a personality type that is largely characterized by its dependability and respect for others. Because of this, it makes sense that Perrin would fit into this Meyers-Briggs personality type. From the very beginning, he makes it clear that he is the type of person that others can rely upon, and he especially shows his dependability when he is captured with the Whitecloaks. He is also acutely sensitive, and of all of the Two Rivers folk, he seems to have the greatest sensitivity toward what others are feeling.

Mat – ISFP

Of the three men that come from the Two Rivers, Mat is the most conflicted and at times the most unpleasant, even before he steals the dagger from Shadar Logoth. Even so, he also fits into the personality type described as ISFP.

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As one of those types of people, he tends to want to avoid conflict or discomfort if he can, which may explain why he decides not to go with the others when they set out on the Ways.

Moiraine – ESTJ

Moiraine is one of the most indomitable personalities to have emerged from the first season, and she is inarguably one of Rosamund Pike’s best roles. As an ESTJ, she shows remarkable and, at times, startling decisiveness, with a willingness to undertake decisions no matter how dangerous they might be, either to herself or to others. Her forcefulness in seeing her plans for the Dragon through to fruition make her a powerful character, even if it means that she is at times looked at with distrust by others (including Nynaeve).

Lan – ESTJ

Given that Lan has been bonded to Moiraine and serves as her Warder, it makes sense that he would have many of her personality traits. He demonstrates a similar decisiveness when it comes to acting, and he will stop at nothing to make sure that she stays safe. Just as importantly, however, he also shows how decisive he can be by reciprocating Nynaeve’s obvious attraction to him, a move that will have significant consequences for their development as characters. And, just as importantly, he is also a fan-favorite Wheel of Time character.

Nynaeve – ISTJ

Nynaeve has many of the traits that are familiar to those in the Two Rivers, including a profound stubbornness and an unwillingness to change her mind about almost anything. She also displays many of the characteristics most commonly associated with the ISTJ type. In particular, she’s the type of person that deeply values traditions and the ways things have always been done, which is what makes her so resistant to any of the changes that Moiraine brings into the lives of the people that hail from the Two Rivers.

Siuan – ENTJ

There’s no question that Siuan Sanche is one of the most powerful characters to appear in the first season of the show, and she clearly controls the White Tower with a firm hand. Many of her actions and personality traits can also be explained by the fact that she fits within the ENTJ type, given that this particular personality type is most commonly understood to be skilled at providing leadership. And, as she demonstrates with her forceful command of Moiraine and the other Aes Sedai, she is also very willing to express her ideas.

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Loial – ENFJ

The moment when the people from the Two Rivers meet Loial is arguably one of the most important scenes in the first season, since he proves very useful to them as they navigate the darkness of the Ways.

He also shows that he is a solid and dependable person, fitting easily within the personality type of the ENFJ. Even though he is not a human, he nevertheless has that personality type’s ability to connect with and be concerned about the various needs of others.

Liandrin – INTJ

Liandrin makes an interesting addition to the series, as there is clearly a great deal going on beneath the surface. Her decision to choose the Red Ajah very swiftly aligns her with the INTJ personality type. And, like many others who occupy this particular personality type, she is also very demanding, and she has little patience for those who don’t live up to her standards, which includes many of her fellow Aes Sedai. She is also poised to be one of the series’ most powerful villains.

Egwene – INFJ

Egwene has all of the traits of her fellow people from the Two Rivers, and she also has a great deal in common with those who belong to the INFJ personality type. In particular, she clearly believes in the common good, which makes her a useful mediator when the others start sparring and disagreeing with one another. Furthermore, her personality as an INFJ means that she will have a very important role to play in the events that lead up to the final confrontation between the Dragon Reborn and the Dark One, and her mediating skills will be ever more significant and necessary.

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