For over a decade, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has brought the iconic characters of Marvel Comics to life in a way fans have always dreamt of. It takes more than big action scenes and buff demigods to be successful though, writers need to make these characters charming or menacing enough to draw viewers in. The MCU has no shortage of one-liners or trailer quotes, so many fans quote them every chance they get. Many of these quotes have been the cause of popular memes and have entered everyday speech for “true believers.”

With over twenty movies and several shows, however, a majority of lines from the MCU are overlooked. Many of these overlooked lines are just as memorable as the better-known ones, they are just perhaps snuck into a scene with little fanfare. These lines deserve just as much love and should make fans say. “I understood that reference.”

10 “What Am I Supposed To Say, Jesus?” – Star-Lord

When The Guardians confronted some of The Avengers in Avengers: Infinity War,  they are all understandably cautious of one another. Star-Lord uses Spider-Man as leverage until they reveal where Gamora is. Doctor Strange, realizing they may not be working for Thanos, asks Quill what master he serves, prompting him to give the above line.

The line and Chris Pratt’s delivery are funny enough, but Tony’s irritated expression just adds to the scene.  The entire scene is humourous, as most of the characters are confused as to what is happening, but Star-Lord’s line is the icing on top.

9 “I Joined The Army” – Captain America

When Steve Rogers saves Bucky from a Hydra prison camp in Captain America: The First Avenger, he isn’t the scrawny kid from Brooklyn anymore. Bucky is obviously shocked as his friend is now taller than him and ripped, so he asks what happened.

Steve provides a brief moment of humor in the tense scene with his response and shows that while he may look different, he is the same Steve he has always been. Steve’s drastic transformation is the primary plot point in the film, so him talking about it so casually is a smart way to show that his new body doesn’t change Steve in the slightest.


8 “Funny Things Are” – Tony Stark

When The Avengers first assemble, they don’t exactly get along. Steve and Tony in particular are at each other’s throats almost immediately. Steve grows tired of Tony’s immature nature fairly quickly, asking him if everything is a joke to him. Tony of course quips “Funny things are,” showing he doesn’t take any of this seriously.

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Cap and Tony’s rivalry would of course come to a head during the events of Civil War, but this is the first moment the two are able to size each other up. Steve realizes that Tony is a far cry from his father, Howard, and Tony thinks the stories he grew up hearing about Cap are a bit overrated.

7 “So Was I” – Tony Stark

Every Marvel fan knew about the rift between Tony and Steve in Civil War going in, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. Heading into the third act, Tony realizes he may have been wrong and that Captain America and Bucky need his help. Upon the realization that while brainwashed, Bucky killed his parents, Tony snaps and wants nothing else but to kill the former Winter Soldier.

Steve pleads with Tony that Bucky didn’t know what he was doing, saying he won’t stop defending him because he is his friend. Tony delivers the heart-breaking line, revealing that Tony not only viewed Steve as a friend regardless of their fighting, but he now only views him as an enemy.

6 “Who Here Can Actually Fly?” – Thor

Despite Thor caring for Loki, the two are constantly bickering with one another. This is particularly evident when they must work together to escape Asgard in Thor: The Dark World.

The two steal a ship on their way out, and Loki ribs Thor if he can actually fly it. Thor responds by asking Loki who, out of the two of them, can actually fly. In a typical Marvel gag, the line is immediately followed by Thor nearly crashing the vessel.

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5 “It Is Really Important To Me That Cap Never Finds Out About This” – Sam Wilson

Sam Wilson had a surprise cameo in Ant-Man when Scott needs to infiltrate a former Stark building, now being used for the Avengers Compound. The two have a brief tussle, which Sam surprisingly loses. Wilson is prepared for his foe to randomly change in size and this throws him off enough for Scott to gain the upper hand.

Upon suffering an embarrassing loss, Sam pleads that Steve Rogers never heard about it, letting Scott leave with what he came for. Audiences could feel second-hand embarrassment for the future Captain America.

4 “I’m Not Kissing You” Chester Phillips

In one of Cap’s final heroic acts in the ’40s, he jumps onto a plane where Red Skull is attempting to bomb large cities.  In a car driven by Chester Phillips, he leaps onto the plane right before the car goes over a ledge. Before he makes the jump, Peggy Carter gives him one last kiss for luck.

Steve then looks at Phillips as if waiting for him to wish him luck but instead responds with the line. For the entire film, Chester has been grumpy in a classic Tommy Lee Jones way, and he has been less than supportive of Steve. He clearly wants him to succeed and respects him, but he isn’t about to admit it out loud.

3 “I’ll Give You $50” – Nick Fury

The Nick Fury fans saw in Captain Marvel was much different than the one they were used to. Not only was he younger and still had both of his eyes, but he also wasn’t as hardened as his older counterpart was. He wasted no time quipping and even breaking into song, which fans had a hard time seeing the older Fury do.

A key example of this is when he keeps asking Talos to turn into various objects. Evidently, he really likes Venus Fly Traps, as he offers Talos $50 to change into one. This is one of the best examples of the more lighthearted Fury featured in the movie and is another reason to feel bad for the man he would become.

2 “Why Are You Always Hitting People?” – Samuel Sterns

Perhaps the most overlooked MCU film is the second one, The Incredible Hulk. The movie features Edward Norton as Bruce Banner as opposed to Mark Ruffalo, and is much darker in tone than the preceding films. The movie also features Samuel Stern, who was teased to become The Leader (although, as of writing, this has yet to happen).

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Due to his work with Bruce,  Stern is targeted by Emil Blonsky, who enjoys knocking people out to get to Sterns. Sterns realizes this, inquiring why he continually hits people. Blonsky eventually becomes the Abomination, and Sterns again gets teased as the next Hulk baddie. Hopefully, the upcoming She-Hulk show will resolve this tease.

1 “I Said Hat” – Scott Lang

When Scott Lang comes face to face with his ex-wife’s fiance, he has some choice words for him. When called out, he exclaims all he said was hat, which obviously wasn’t the word being referred to. Scott proves that he is the more immature adult in the room, and this is a key reason the fans love him.

Paxton is far from an unlikable character, but he is a perfect foil to Scott, as he is a cop and Scott is a convict. The line is quick and easily missed, but it more than deserves to be listed not only among great Ant-Man quotes but great MCU quotes as it shows the humor sprinkled in among all of the darker elements.

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