The MCU has seen a lot of important events happen. From Loki’s first attack to Tony’s unfortunate creation of Ultron, the heroes have been through a lot. But nothing was as bad as the Infinity War against Thanos. For once, the Avengers lost and everybody knows what followed.

Half of all life disappeared which changed everyone’s lives. And even though the vanished people blipped back five years later, the MCU hasn’t explained everything about this significant event. As a result, there are still a lot of mysteries about the blip that deserve an answer.

10 How Did The Blip Effect Other Planets?

It’s easy to forget that Earth wasn’t the only planet affected by the blip. It fell on the entire universe. As a result, Captain Marvel was busy solving problems but she never specified the nature of these problems. However, it’s safe to assume something similar to the Earth happened.

The inhabitants of alien worlds were devastated by the loss of their loved ones. Some of them turned to crime like Hawkeye while others were shown to deeply grieve for their loved ones. The blip also must have had a strong effect on the economy and business between various planets.

9 What Happened To Those Who Blipped?

One of the questions that remain is what the blip felt like for those who succumbed to it. From Monica Rambeau’s reaction when she woke up in the hospital room in WandaVision, it is clear that the people who blipped didn’t feel like they died and were then resurrected.

Instead, it was closer to the feeling a person might get when they pass out and then wake up. Spider-Man’s words in Avengers: Endgame supported this explanation since he said to Tony Stark that he “got all dusty, and I must’ve passed out because I woke up, and you were gone.From this interpretation, it seems as if those who blipped out might not have felt the pain as much.


8 What Other MCU Characters Blipped?

The finale of Avengers: Infinity War showed multiple superheroes vanishing – not just Spider-Man, but also Wanda Maximoff, T’Challa, Bucky, Groot, Star-Lord, and Doctor Strange. Nick Fury and Maria Hill also disappeared.

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But some fans wondered what happened to other MCU characters who didn’t appear in the film. The films’ creators confirmed several other characters succumbed to the blip. The list includes Bruce Banner’s former girlfriend Bette Ross, Thor’s ex-girlfriend Jane Foster, Sharon Carter, and Thor’s fellow warrior, lady Sif.

7 Why Didn’t Hulk Bring Natasha Back?

Everybody who watched Avengers: Endgame knows that Natasha sacrificed her life on Vormir so that the Avengers would get the Soul Stone. But when Hulk snapped his fingers and reversed the blip, Natasha didn’t come back even though he tried to.

The most plausible explanation is that Hulk was only able to reverse the consequences of the blip, not what happened afterward. Also, it’s quite possible that once a person sacrifices their life for the Soul Stone, it can’t be reversed. That’s why the film saw the return of a younger Gamora, not the one who died on Vormir.

6 Has The World Returned To Normal?

After the blip, some cities and other places became dilapidated or abandoned. Scott Lang saw this when he returned from the Quantum realm and went home to see his daughter.

But considering that New York as well as the other European countries looked normal in Spider-Man: Far From Home, it’s possible that, when Hulk reversed the blip, he also repaired the biggest damage the loss of half the population did to planet Earth.

5 Why Is It Called The Blip And Not The Snap?

Only a few superheroes were present when Thanos snapped his fingers – hence the name. But for a large majority of people, calling the event the blip makes more sense. They were somewhere one moment, gone the next, and then they appeared five years later.

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Calling it the snap would indicate it was permanent but naming it the blip suggests it was a blink of an eye, a passing moment – at least that’s what it felt like for the people who actually blipped.

4 What Happened To Families Of Those Who Blipped?

Even though the MCU didn’t address it in greater detail, it looks like the blip had a significant impact on those who succumbed to it. Some people must have given up the hope of seeing their loved ones ever again. Maria Rambeau, Monica’s mom, on the other hand, believed her daughter would return.

Another example is Mr. Harrington’s marriage. He mentioned in Spider-Man: Far From Home that his wife pretended to blip even though she didn’t. She just used it as an opportunity to leave him and he even organized a funeral for her. But it’s safe to assume this was an extraordinary occurrence and most people faced different problems connected to the blip.

3 Why Some People Reacted Differently To Getting Blipped?


Apparently, everyone reacted slightly differently to getting blipped. Some barely noticed it and others didn’t at all. Some of Peter’s classmates were still playing musical instruments the moment they disappeared. The answer to why some people took longer to disappear is that they were simply stronger than others.

Spider-Man also fought against the blip so it took him a while to vanish and he even managed to speak to Tony briefly. Plus, he had the added advantage of his spider-sense that warned him something was wrong in advance.

2 Did The People Who Blipped Return To Their Previous Lives?

Yes – and no. Depending on their individual circumstances, the people who blipped had to adjust to changes in their lives. Peter and his Aunt May demonstrate this well.

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Since new people moved into their apartment when they blipped, Peter and May had to find a new home after their return. On the other hand, Peter was allowed to return to his school and finish it, even though he had to start the year he was in from anew.

1 What Happened To Those In Danger?

Some of the questions about the blip won’t be answered any time soon. The best one can have are theories. Many fans argued what happens to those who might be in danger after their return. For example, would plane passengers just fall on the ground and die? But the most plausible answer is that Hulk made certain all the people who blipped would come back safely – which, in this scenario, means with both their feet planted firmly on the ground.

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