There are many romantic relationships in the MCU, but the one between Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter became one of the main couples, especially in Avengers: Endgame. However, this parking has been rather divisive amongst fans as many people were really upset with the ending given to both of these characters.

While everyone has their own opinion, and some people really do like those two together, there were still some things about their relationship that don’t make a lot of sense.

10 The fact that Peggy didn’t stop the HYDRA infiltration

This is a broader point that relates to their relationship but is also somewhat of a missed opportunity and plot hole. When Steve learns in Captain America: The Winter Soldier that HYDRA has infiltrated SHIELD all along after the likes of Armin Zola were invited in, he’s shocked.

Given that Peggy was one of the main founders and involved in SHIELD, there’s no explanation given as to why she would let someone like Zola, who was involved with the torture of Bucky Barnes for that matter, join. It really seems like it might be a point of contention, or at least, question, between them.

9 They seem to be more in love with the idea of one another

For most of the movies, the relationship between Peggy and Steve is one of star-crossed lovers who never got the chance to beat together because of tragic circumstances.

Because of this, their relationship and love are more of a fantasy and idea than a reality. They didn’t know each other for all that long before Steve flew the plane into the ice. So, while it makes sense they would idealize the relationship, it wasn’t like they ever actually had one.


8 The “no homo” of it all

One of the biggest criticisms that has been made about the handling of Steve and Peggy is related to the issue of Steve and Bucky. These two best friends have been read by many fans and film critics alike as having overt homoerotic subtext.

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Steve Roger’s three movies revolve heavily around Bucky Barnes, and he’s often positioned as a love interest. Many fans feel that if Bucky had been a woman, these two would have been together.

7 Endgame ruined the bittersweet, realistic nature of their losses

One thing that the Captain America movies did well was to show all the ways that Steve had lost his former life. He basically lost everyone he ever knew and cared about, and his scenes with Peggy in her old age were heartbreaking and real.

The trilogy even wrapped up their story to an extent after she passed away because she told him that she had been given the chance to live a full life but that he had not. It was heartbreaking, but it was also realistic. So, it doesn’t make sense that Endgame then got rid of all of this just for a happy ending.

6 Why they are seen as soulmates when they never got the chance to date

In some of the Marvel movies, but not all of them, the idea of Peggy and Steve as some sort of soulmates is really driven home. However, this doesn’t even make sense.

They clearly really liked echo there and wanted to date, but they sadly never got the chance. They shared one kiss and the promise of a dance, and while the tragic loss of the situation likely made them feel more attached, they were never even in a relationship.

5 When Peggy shot at Steve after another girl kissed him

While Peggy has many great moments and is a badass, independent woman who blazes in a world that is really sexist, there is one scene that is really upsetting. Peggy shoots a gun at Steve (while he’s holding the shield prototype) even though she doesn’t necessarily know how good it will work. This is because she saw another woman kissing Steve and got jealous.

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First of all, if a man did this, it would be seen as abusive, so the creators are to blame for thinking this is okay and funny. Secondly, Steve didn’t even initiate that kiss and wasn’t even asked if he wanted to do it.

4 That Steve dated Sharon Carter

One of the biggest plot problems when it comes to Steve and Peggy’s relationship is the Sharon and Steve love story. It’s overall just kind of a weird thing that Steve would briefly have romantic feelings and make out with Peggy’s great-niece if he loved Peggy so much.

It also seems pretty clear that the creators of the MCU weren’t sure who they wanted Steve to end up with. For a while, it looked like they decided on Sharon only to change their minds.

3 Steve didn’t care about messing with fate and Peggy’s agency

The time travel situation set up in Avengers: Endgame has been the topic of a lot of discussions because there are many things about it that don’t make sense. One of the biggest issues is how Steve breaks the rules of time travel set up in the movie to go back in time to live with Peggy. This decision makes him look just really selfish, and it seems like it could have had disastrous implications on many people and even the world.

But possibly the worst thing about it is that he doesn’t consider Peggy. He already would have known that she lived a life without him, and he just decided they should be together whether she liked it or not.

2 The fact that Peggy’s entire relationship with Daniel Sousa was re-written

Another issue with the time travel scenario here is Peggy’s relationship with Daniel Sousa. This relationship is explored in Agent Carter, but all of that is ignored for the Steve and Peggy ending.

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This just seems to indicate that this conclusion wasn’t planned all along because otherwise why would they make an entire television show with Peggy being with another person?

1 Why Steve would abandon all his friends for a woman he never officially dated

Why Steve would abandon all his friends for a woman he never officially dated. While romantic relationships are important, they aren’t the only things in life that matter. Steve had finally started to build relationships, and he had other people he cared about. It’s weird that he would abandon Bucky, after just getting him back again, and other people like Sam and Natasha.

Plus, it seems like it would be really hard to live back in time after knowing so much about the future.

Next10 MCU Characters That Need To Return, According To Reddit

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