WandVision made one thing clear, and it’s that Wanda Maximoff is no longer the young girl audiences first met in  Avengers: Age of Ultron. Now in full control of her powers, Wanda is ready to become the Scarlet Witch, the Harbinger of Chaos, apparently capable of destroying the universe.

Wanda’s new chaotic persona fits nicely with another erratic antihero in the MCU, Loki. The God of Mischief walks a fine line between light and dark, manipulating both sides with surprising skill. With two such powerful forces of chaos now walking around, will the MCU ever be the same? And in the battle of the antiheroes, who comes out on top?

10 Loki: He’s Been Forgiven Before

As any parent knows, the easiest way for a child to keep committing the same mischief is to allow them to. Loki is basically the same way but with much larger stakes. True, he’s done some time for his crimes, although he was still given preferential treatment, mainly because of his mother’s intervention.

By the time Avengers: Endgame comes along, it’s a clean slate for Loki. His crimes are a thing of the past and he’s basically chilling with Thor on his way back to Earth. Loki will always be the God of Mischief because Thor and everyone around him always seems to forgive him, no matter what.

9 Wanda: She’s Becoming Colder

By the time WandaVision ends, Wanda is completely changed. Hardened and rugged, she’s come to terms with her loneliness and loss and is determined to learn more about her vast powers, aiming to control them. She still feels pain about those she’s lost but she’s ready to focus on the bigger picture.

While this might sound like the right thing for her to do, it could also point to a darker future for the character. After all, a lack of empathy is the main trait that most villains share. Wanda is not there yet, but it’s just a matter of time, especially if she’s out there on her own.


8 Loki: He Still Desires Power And Recognition

Most of Loki’s struggles come from his desire to achieve power at any cost. It’s the reason why he went rogue in the first place. That sentiment is unfortunately still present on him, even after all the growth he’s done. The thing about Loki is that he can genuinely care about Thor while still wanting an entire kingdom to bend the knee before him.

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Loki’s journey is far from over so there’s still some time for him to change his ways. However, the chances of that happening are slim to none. After all, the character’s been an antihero since inception and that’s how fans love him.

7 Wanda: She’s Been Left To Her Own Devices

No one can make it alone in this world. Humans need each other to keep some sense of sanity and normalcy, especially in those situations where everything seems to be coming undone. A the end of her Disney+ series, Wanda is all alone. Her family is gone, as all her acquaintances. Sam and Bucky are out on their own Disney+ show, Cap is no longer around, Tony and Natasha are dead, and Clint is busy training Kate Bishop.

In other words, Wanda is all alone with no one to understand or support her. She ends WandaVision in self-exile and it seems that loneliness won’t do her any good.

6 Loki: He Has A God Complex

Loki might be a God on Earth, but he might have taken the title a tad too literally. Loki’s fascination with his own superiority means he believes himself above the laws of both gods and men. Even in his more relaxed, kinder facet, Loki still believes in his right to rule something, anything.

Loki is powerful enough to go toe-to-toe with the Avengers and that will surely fan the fires of his ambition. If he’s done it before, he’ll do it again, especially if no one’s there to stop him. He might choose a target less feisty than Earth, perhaps some other world with no protectors.

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5 Wanda: She’s Lost Too Much

Loss and tragedy are at the very center of Wanda’s characterization. Her parents’ death is the main catalyst for her journey towards the dark side. She then has to deal with the death of Pietro, then Vision, then her children. There’s only so much pain a person can withstand before they completely break.

Wanda’s personal tragedy has already done a number on her and it can only keep messing with her sanity. In the comics, it’s the very reason why she snaps and utters those three famous words. And while WandaVision didn’t exactly adapt the House of M storyline, the MCU can still do it in the future.

4 Loki: He Has An Inferiority Complex

True to his mischievous nature, Loki is a character full of contradictions. Aside from his gigantic ego, Loki also has to deal with severe inferiority issues stemming from years of living under Thor’s shadow. Envious and insecure, Loki acts as though he is above everyone yet still feels less than his larger-than-life brother.

This is the root for their eternal sibling rivalry and the reason why Loki keeps trying to get power by any means necessary. Ironically, he doesn’t realize that his power lust is the very reason why he can’t successfully harness it, while Thor can.

3 Wanda: She Won’t Abandon Her Kids

Because Wanda’s lost so much, she’s at a point where she won’t give up what little she has left. And when the little in question are her twin children, then Wanda’s stakes become incredibly personal. So far, it’s unclear where Billy and Tommy are, but they most likely are trapped somewhere in the multiverse.

There won’t be a power on Earth, human or otherwise, that will prevent Wanda from searching for her children. She’ll go to the end of the universe if necessary and if that means pitting her against her former friends, then so be it.

2 Loki: He’s Literally A Mass Murderer

Because of how charming and likable Tom Hiddleston is in the role, it’s easy to forget that Loki is literally a mass murderer responsible for an incomprehensible amount of death and chaos. Natasha memorably says that he “killed 80 people in two days” and that’s before the Chitauri even arrive in New York.

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The MCU at large is also responsible for downplaying Loki’s crimes but the fact remains that he is a horrible being who had and indeed has no problem with killing. Sure, the Avengers are also killers and characters like Natasha also have a lot of red on their hands. The difference, however, is that Nat actively tries to redeem herself through years of hard work and commitment, something Loki has yet to do.

1 Wanda: She’s Just Too Powerful

A famous character once said, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Another famous character more recently said, “There’ll always be torches and pitchforks for ladies like us, Wanda.”

The reality is that Wanda’s power is just too grand. It apparently exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme and humans fear what they don’t understand. Once the larger MCU finds out about Wanda’s abilities, things are bound to get complicated. Will the Avengers side with her or will they try to contain her? Will her multiverse-breaking shenanigans once again divide the team or will she actually bring them together by repairing said multiverse? No one knows just yet and the exciting thing is that both options could happen and it would still make sense.

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