Before WandaVision had played out, Scarlet Witch’s characterization hadn’t been fully mapped in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. There were traits she was known to display, but her complete character is now known to be assessed based on where she’s strong and where she needs to work on herself.

Due to her enormous powers, Scarlet Witch’s negative attributes have not only threatened herself but many people at large. However, it’s due to her positive aspects that she’s been able to keep on thriving in the MCU. With both these in mind, Scarlet Witch has displayed a tight balance as a superhero — for better or worse.

10 Worst: Jumping To Conclusions

Scarlet Witch considered Tony Stark as a villain due to reading the Stark Industries logo on a bomb that ravaged her hometown. This was a severe lack of judgment as Tony had no idea where his weapons were being used and had already changed his ways.

She’s demonstrated this negative trait quite a lot, as Scarlet Witch considered Monica Rambeau an enemy simply because she offered her help. She’s had to see people actively help her in order to trust them, but that’s not a healthy practice since she needs conflict to make way for trust.

9 Best: Always Having Her Partners’ Back

Those on Scarlet Witch’s team can rest with the knowledge that she will never let them down. She tends to go the extra mile to protect them, having no intention to leave them hanging. This has been seen in each of her battles where Scarlet Witch has been the trump card.

She left the safety of her position in Wakanda to save the lives of Black Widow and Okoye, she rescued Hawkeye from Vision in Civil War, and she ensured Captain America escaped. Scarlet Witch might lose control during battle, but she’ll never let her teammates down.


8 Worst: Her Unwillingness To Compromise

Scarlet Witch is someone who doesn’t like to lose control. This trait was at its worst when she used her chaos magic to convert Westview into TV land and then refused to undo it when she was confronted with this knowledge. 

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When given the option to compromise, such as waiting in the Avengers compound while Tony bargained for her acquittal in Civil War, she tends to take it as an insult. More often than not, her refusal to concede has ended up leading to bigger problems.

7 Best: Her Regard For Family

One of the things that was never doubted in WandaVision’s finale was that Scarlet Witch will do anything for her family. This was first established in Avengers: Age of Ultron when she had considered her brother to be her reason for living. 

Scarlet Witch has placed family first and foremost, going so far as to protecting the magically-created twins when they were threatened despite the boys never being real. She was also loyal to the Avengers as they were her de facto family by that point.

6 Worst: Going All In With A Cause Without Thinking Of The Consequences

With Scarlet Witch, everything is all or nothing. Prone to letting her actions dictate her cause, she leaps into situations without weighing out their impact. While her loyalty was commendable to Captain America, she made things worse by siding with him as it only made her a fugitive. 

It was even worse with Ultron, as she aided his cause without even knowing of his plan for mass extinction. When Scarlet Witch sinks her teeth into a cause, she’s determined to see it through rather than consider what it is she’s getting involved in.

5 Best: Inherently Driven By Love

All things considered, Scarlet Witch has been driven by love over anything else. She had initially been on Ultron’s side for Quicksilver’s sake as she wanted her brother safe. She has also proven she’ll love any version of Vision since her love is pure all the way.

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Even her entrapment of Westview was due to her longing for a loving family with Vision. She might have been misguided at times, but the driving force behind this was out of love.

4 Worst: Letting Her Emotions Overcome Her

While there were several bold predictions for WandaVision’s finale, it wasn’t a surprise that Scarlet Witch would be highly emotional. She’s swayed by time and again, to the point where it’s predictable to use them against her.

This happened with both Director Hayward and Agatha, who knew Scarlet Witch would do what they wanted if they could push her emotions the right way. Of course, it was these very emotions that also caused her to create the hex on Westview in the first place.

3 Best: Considering Her Abilities As Empowering

This is something that was taken from the comics, as Scarlet Witch grew more powerful in that material as well. Where many empowered beings suppress their abilities or consider them a nuisance, Scarlet Witch isn’t one of them.

Instead, she’s used these abilities to her advantage. She’s very happy with the person she is, with the exploration of her powers paving the way for more positive character development.

2 Worst: Being Easily Impressionable

The rather over-the-top mannerisms she’s displayed have been poked fun at by fans, with Scarlet Witch being easily impressed by those who know what to say. She’s certainly been manipulated to negative causes lots of times.

Those who have impressed and used her include Ultron, Agatha, and even HYDRA for a time. It’s been among her weakest aspects since Scarlet Witch has ended up suffering from a lack of identity due to usually following what others have made her do.

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1 Best: Her Tenacity Of Spirit

Something that fans know best about Scarlet Witch is that she will overcome her struggles no matter what. Although her emotions have been volatile and her sadness apparent, Scarlet Witch has still displayed the tenacity of spirit that has enabled her to be a survivor.

She’s wallowed in her grief, yet has channeled this to maintain the belief that she will have better days to come. It was this grit that allowed her to beat the likes of Ultron and Thanos, as well as leave Westview with her determination intact.

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