The Marvel Cinematic Universe has provided some lavish and incredible locations across its movies, from Asgard to the Quantum Realm to space itself. While they’ve brought epic battle scenes and memorable moments, sometimes it is seeing the human elements of the characters that fans enjoy the most. Those scenes can often be found at whatever base the heroes are using, whether it be Stark Tower or the Avengers Headquarters.

There have been some hilarious and some tense moments taking place inside these locations, and it often brings the very best out of the characters. But out of all the scenes to have happened in those settings, which has been the greatest?

10 Tony Stark Vs. Loki (The Avengers)

In the original Avengers movie, Tony Stark and Loki have a fantastic scene inside Stark Tower. With Loki and Tony going back and forth with a great verbal chat which coined the iconic phrase “We have a Hulk.” Tony explains why Loki isn’t going to win and the Marvel villain does the same back.

It’s a tense conversation between two of the lead characters, but it then gets switched with some fun comedy about performance anxiety, which is great adult humor that these two characters thrive on throughout their appearances.

9 The Newest Avenger (Spider-Man: Homecoming)

The relationship that Peter Parker has with Tony Stark is a special one, and it often leads to some fantastic scenes. As Spider-Man, Peter is desperate to be seen on the same level as Iron Man and the rest of the Avengers, so when he first gets to visit the Avengers Headquarters, it’s a big deal for him.

This is the moment when Tony first asks him to become an Avenger, and while he actually says no, that’s because he believes that it is a test. It creates a sweet moment that then turns into comedy as Pepper appears and reveals she has all the press waiting for an announcement.


8 Ant-Man Invades Avengers Headquarters (Ant-Man)

Over the course of the MCU, there have been a lot of great fights between members of The Avengers, one of those sees Ant-Man and Falcon compete. This takes place when Ant-Man needs to steal some technology that is located within the Avengers Headquarters.

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Initially, he doesn’t know that is where he’s heading, but after he leaps out of a plane on the back of an ant it becomes clear. He heads down and it leads to an encounter with Falcon, which leads to a fantastic fight scene between the two heroes.

7 Phil Coulson Recruits Tony Stark (The Avengers)

While Iron-Man becomes one of the most important members of The Avengers, the moment he officially joined the group cannot be forgotten. While Tony Stark and Pepper are initially celebrating, they quickly get interrupted by Phil Coulson.

This is the moment he recruits Tony Stark to officially be part of The Avengers. It’s a monumental moment in the grand scheme of the group and the movies in general, making it an important scene.

6 The Sokovia Accords (Captain America: Civil War)

The Sokovia Accords plays a big role in splitting The Avengers down the middle, with some of the group wanting to conform and others not. The scene where the news is first dropped takes place in Avengers Headquarters, with Thaddeus Ross making his return to the MCU.

This scene isn’t about laughs and jokes or fantastic action, it’s all about the sheer tension that the characters feel as they realize their freedom is being taken away. It highlights the damage that has followed the group over time and brings a political aspect into the story.

5 “Whatever It Takes” (Avengers: Endgame)

Avengers: Endgame is a movie jam-packed with amazing moments, and Avengers Headquarters does play host to several of those. One of the best is when the group is set to begin its time travel sequence, as they stand in a group preparing to be sent to their various locations.

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Before it happens, Captain America gives them all a powerful speech, showing his ability as a leader and what the moment means to them all. It’s a great speech that truly is powerful, and there are even elements of comedy thrown in as well at the end, as Rocket and Ant-Man lighten the mood.

4 Ultron’s Creation (Avengers: Age Of Ultron)

Ultron is quite a divisive villain amongst fans, with some thinking he was fantastic, while others didn’t enjoy him quite as much. No matter which side of the coin fans sits on, there’s no denying his introduction into the movie was superb.

While The Avengers are having a party, a broken-down Ultron steps out for the first time, leaving them all puzzled. Initially thinking it’s just a broken robot, Ultron quickly silences them with his impactful speech, setting the tone for the entire movie.

3 Creating Vision (Avengers: Age Of Ultron)

Vision becomes a crucial part of the MCU from this movie onwards, and it is within Avengers Tower where he is first created. Just as Ultron is too, Marvel’s newest hero is born inside of the place that the group calls home, and it is an amazing scene.

Seeing him burst up and fly to the glass, only to not smash out but slow down, in a moment of tranquility is truly iconic. Audiences first get to experience what the character is like and the intelligence that he brings in a brilliant moment.

2 Hulk Smash (The Avengers)

When it comes to iconic scenes inside of Stark Tower, they don’t get any better than Hulk’s one-sided fight with Loki. The powerful Avenger smashed Loki into the building, only for the MCU villain to begin one of his classic rants about being a God.

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However, the comedy in this moment comes when Hulk just stops his speech halfway through, grabbing the leg of Loki as he then smashes him repeatedly into the floor before labeling him a “puny God” as he then walks away. It is a truly epic moment.

1 Trying To Lift The Hammer (Avengers: Age Of Ultron)

When it comes to the best scene in one of the group’s home bases, nothing tops the party scene that kicks things off in Avengers: Age Of Ultron. The entire scene is amazing, showcasing the characters in a relaxed atmosphere that is completely different from the norm.

They compete against each other in a bid to try and lift Thor’s weapon, Mjölnir, but none of them are able to. However, Captain America gives a slight tease about something that is to come in later movies when he tries, giving it a slight wobble, with Thor’s response being comedic gold.

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