Steve Rogers aka Captain America is a complicated character in the MCU. Many people like him for his determination to make the world a better place, while others aren’t so happy with the Captain’s no-nonsense personality and old-fashioned principles. Whatever the case, Captain America’s journey has been long and eventful in the MCU.

He first started his career as a superhero during World War II only to later join the Avengers in the 21st century. And even though he found a new family with the Avengers for a while, there are many tragedies in his journey.

10 He Watched Bucky Fall To His Death

Bucky always was Steve’s best friend and the two men were inseparable – both before and during the war. So when they went on another mission together and Steve was unable to save Bucky from falling to his death from the train, it devastated him.

Little did he know that Bucky would not only survive but show up again decades later as the Winter Soldier.

9 He Lost Almost Everyone He Loved

Even though he acclimated fairly well into modern times, in the end, it’s impossible to overlook that Steve Rogers was the happiest when he was in his time.

Yes, it was during World War II but it was the world Steve knew and he oriented himself in it perfectly. So when he woke up in the future and realized that most of the people he knew and loved were dead, it hit him hard.


8 He Experiences Peggy’s Death

But the worst moment for Steve Rogers came when his one true love, Peggy Carter, died. Peggy has been very old and seemed to have lived a good life but Steve still wanted her by his side and missed her when she died in her sleep.

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He went to her funeral, was one of the men who carried Peggy’s coffin, and it was obvious from his behavior that Peggy’s death upset him very much.

7 The Avengers Fell Apart

Once he wakes up in the 21st century, Steve Rogers lives for his work as Captain America and he finds time for nothing else – including personal relationships.

So when the Avengers fall apart because of the Accords, Steve suddenly loses his one purpose in life — and instead of helping people like he used to, he goes on a run as he’s suddenly become a wanted man.

6 He Couldn’t Stop Thanos

Steve is well-accustomed to failure but that doesn’t mean he likes it. He lost Bucky, wasn’t able to save doctor Erskine – and he also lost against Thanos which is something Steve never forgave himself for.

Even after many people had moved on, Steve kept trying to fix things and he was also the one who went to see Tony and asked him for help – only to initially get refused.

5 He Was Lonely After Bucky Went To War

Even though the films didn’t address it directly, by the time Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) starts, Steve has already lost his parents – something he has in common with his fellow Avenger, Tony Stark.

The only person who is there for Steve is his best friend Bucky. But once Bucky leaves to fight in the war, Steve remains alone and he becomes even lonelier than before.

4 He Had To Give Up His Shield

After the fight between Iron Man and Captain America that broke up the Avengers once and for all (or at least for a few years), Tony demands Steve’s shield – since his father, Howard Stark, made him. Steve then leaves his shield beyond as well as his identity as Captain America.

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He becomes a criminal, in the eyes of the government, at least, and any semblance of a calm life he had before is now gone.

3 He Can’t Connect To People

In one of the deleted scenes of the Avengers (2012), it becomes obvious that Steve Rogers lacks a sense of purpose after he arrives in the 21st century.

He looks quite depressed and alone, not sure what he should do with himself. And he also struggles with connecting to other people, so a simple such as talking to a pretty waitress who clearly likes him is something Steve can’t do.

2 He Acts In A Bad Way Sometimes

It would be a mistake to think that Captain America is perfect. Just like his fellow Avengers, he’s only human (except Thor), and as such, he too makes mistakes. Yet many people who watched the films tend to hate Captain America because of his mistakes more than they hate on others.

Yes, it’s true that Steve insulted Tony and lied to him, but no member of the Avengers is a saint and even Captain America deserves to be cut a bit of slack.

1 He Doesn’t Build Romantic Relationships

Even though Peggy Carter turns out to be the love of Steve’s life, he had plenty of opportunities to build relationships with other women during his time in the 21st century – and perhaps not to be so alone.

The most notable example is his relationship with Natasha who not only kissed Steve but also suggested they could be more than friends – and they do have a lot in common. However, Steve quickly friend-zoned her and Natasha never mentioned it again.

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