Peter Parker aka Spider-Man is one of the relatively new MCU superheroes, but ever since that moment, Spider-Man has become one of the most popular MCU superheroes

This comes not only thanks to his youthful enthusiasm but also due to the fact he’s a relatable figure to many younger fans. Even though Peter Parker is still very young, he has already been through a lot. His tragic past as well as his current life make it easy to sympathize with him.

10 He’s Becoming The New Iron Man

Spider-Man can do so much more than just become a new version of Iron Man. For one, he doesn’t have Tony’s large ego, so he’s bound to make fewer mistakes than Stark, at least once he grows up.

But the films continue to try and push Peter as Tony’s follower, even though he proved multiple times he can do just fine on his own. In the end, Peter simply needs more confidence to free himself from his mentor’s shadow.

9 He’s Bullied

No matter how hard the second Spider-Man film tried to make Flash Thompson sympathetic, it’s impossible to overlook that he’s still a bully – who’s probably compensating his complexes by picking on Peter.

Flash openly mocks Peter, calls him degrading names (“Penis Parker”), and is making Peter’s life even more difficult which doesn’t exactly win him sympathy points with the audience.


8 He Had To Skip Homecoming

This might not seem like a big deal – after all, being a superhero is more important than dancing, no? Except there’s also the fact that Peter’s still a kid, and he didn’t get to have too much fun since his uncle died and he became a superhero.

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So going to the Homecoming and having fun with his date Liz seemed like the perfect way to relax. But it went wrong when Liz’s dad turned out to be Vulture and Peter had to abandon the dance to stop Vulture’s nefarious plan.

7 Iron Man Took His Suit Away

Even though it all worked out fine in the end, the moment Tony Stark took away Peter’s suit – the one he previously gave him – was one of the sad ones.

And not only because it put Peter into unnecessary danger. It also meant that the existing friendship between Spider-Man and Iron Man broke into a certain degree. Luckily, they were later able to smooth things over.

6 He Suffered Multiple Injuries

The risk of a bodily injury is always present for superheroes – some more than others. Peter’s powers help him to survive injuries that would kill any non-powered hero. But that doesn’t mean he can’t be hurt.

One of the most notable moments when the fans could have worried about the young superhero was when he got knocked out by a train in Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) – which looked really painful. And let’s not forget the time Vulture tried to bury Peter alive.

5 He Doesn’t Have That Many Close Friends

The one thing about Peter that’s easy to miss is that he doesn’t have that many friends. There’s Ned, of course, who’s his best friend and his guy in the chair whenever Peter needs help.

But other than that, Peter’s mostly alone. And since he recently lost Tony Stark who was also close to him, he’s even more alone. At least he’s still got Michelle by his side – that is if they’ll make their relationship work.

4 His Uncle Died

Even though the death of Uncle Ben didn’t appear in the MCU, it’s still obvious that it motivates Peter’s actions. Peter failed to save Ben, in fact, he was partially responsible for his death, or at least he feels that way.

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He’s been through enough bad things already and losing one of his two remaining family members must have hit the young superhero hard – regardless of the circumstances of his uncle’s death.

3 The First Snap

Avengers: Infinity War (2018) witnessed the death of multiple superheroes when Thanos got what he wanted and snapped his fingers. But Spider-Man’s death was one of the most painful moments of the film, and not just because he was so young but because his death was prolonged.

Peter felt what was coming, and he panicked since he didn’t want to die. He couldn’t stop it, though, and faded into oblivion in Tony Stark’s arms.

2 The Second Snap

Peter’s sad experiences didn’t end with the first Snap – they also continued with the second. As will all the MCU fans know, Tony Stark sacrificed his life when he snapped his fingers and erased Thanos and his army from existence once and for all. Tony paid with his life for this since his body couldn’t take the shock.

Peter was right there at his side, forced to watch another adoptive father die right in front of him.

1 He’ll Be A Wanted Man

Unless Peter asks Doctor Strange to erase the general knowledge from the minds of all people, the whole world now knows that Spider-Man is Peter Parker. That could mean villains will go not only after Peter but also his family and friends.

Mysterio outed Peter as Spider-Man in Far From Home‘s finale, and it’s possible that Peter will be a wanted man, possibly on the run in the third film. This is more than any kid should have to deal with.

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