Earth’s mightiest heroes and protectors, The Avengers is the ultimate group of people and always try to do good by others. Of course, over the years they have done a lot of good within the movies, but they’ve also caused plenty of damage along the way, and not all of their personalities are necessarily the nicest.

While the group has worked alongside different people over the years, there has been a core group of characters that have been involved throughout. But even though they’ve all proven to be popular with moviegoers, which of them are the most likable, based on the personalities they’ve shown throughout the MCU?

10 Vision

Because Vision is a real mix of several different personalities, he lacks having his own clear one which can often make him a little cold and robotic. He doesn’t show quite as much charisma as the other characters in the Marvel world, which leads to him being the least likable.

He also doesn’t get anywhere near as much time to develop his own personal story and the lack of backstory and family doesn’t help Vision. However, while he might be the least likable, he is one of the most powerful, which counterbalances that.

9 Scarlet Witch

Following on from Vision is the woman that he ends up in a relationship with, Scarlet Witch. She’s quite a cold and standoffish character and that is something that makes her fairly unlikeable throughout her journey. While she does end up being a little sweeter and more open throughout, overall she’s one of the least likable.

Scarlet Witch is just straight to the point and fairly blunt with things and that does make her one of the least likable characters in the group. She gets grumpy easily and that’s down to the difficulties she goes through, but it does make her one of the least fun members.


8 Falcon

Falcon is a very likable character, but he is one that hasn’t had the benefit of lots of detailed storytelling about his personal circumstances. The other characters who have had their own movies have been fleshed out more, and that is something that will change for Falcon with his Disney + series.

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However, Falcon is a very kind character and someone who is loyal and that is why he ends up being given Captain America’s shield. He’s happy to crack jokes and have fun with people and that is why he’s such a fun person within the movies.

7 Hawkeye

Much like Falcon, Hawkeye doesn’t quite get as much attention as some of the other characters, which will also change with his own television series. However, considering he’s in so many movies, audiences do get to learn plenty about him, even if his past is kept quite mysterious.

Hawkeye’s main characteristic is the fact he’s a family man with his love for his wife and children being at the core of what he does. This does start to open him up and make him far more relatable in later films though, and hopefully, that continues.

6 Hulk

Hulk obviously has a clear split personality, going from the calm and relaxed Bruce Banner to the over the top aggressive monster. However, he is certainly one of the nicest characters when he’s in his scientist mode, where he is very chilled.

However, later on in the franchise where he mixes both Hulk and Banner together, he becomes one of the funniest characters in the group. He is happy to crack jokes and is able to bring out the best of each character, which is really fun.

5 Black Widow

Black Widow is a terrific character who is all about being incredibly helpful and organized. She might not have the over the top powers that many of the other characters have, but she is certainly likable. Black Widow is a fantastic fighter and is someone who can easily hold her own.

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She might have a secretive past, but Black Widow is certainly very happy to care for people and do everything possible in order to make others feel comfortable. Her ability to cool Hulk off is something that only she can do, which is a clear sign of a caring attitude.

4 Iron Man

Iron Man is quite a difficult one to rank because while he is very likable, he is equally just as unlikeable. Nobody has more charisma in the group than Tony Stark who is able to joke around with everyone, all while being one of the smartest people in the room at the same time.

However, he is also a very arrogant and cocky person who can snap at others easily and he isn’t always the fairest person. But, he is also kind, especially with Peter Parker and he happily puts his life on the line countless times for the greater good, proving his overwhelming personality.

3 Thor

Thor is another one of the original members of the group and he is someone that is incredibly likable, mainly because of how funny he is. Everything he does tends to bring humor to situations, even if he doesn’t do it intentionally.

While he can be a little arrogant at times, and then does become lazy with a drinking problem, he is still an incredible warrior and someone who always has his heart on his sleeve. He’s dependable and always does his best by everyone, taking any failure very personally and that makes him easy to like.

2 Spider-Man

Spider-Man is the youngest member of The Avengers, and while he has to fight for Tony Stark to accept him as a part of the group, Spider-Man is one of the most popular members. Audiences absolutely love him and there’s no surprise as he is just full of personality.

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Peter Parker is incredibly kind and caring, always looking out for others while at the same time being absolutely hilarious. He’s happy to have a joke with everyone with his fun movie references always making people laugh, quickly becoming a very popular character.

1 Captain America

He’s the ultimate hero, a war veteran and someone who puts everyone else above himself, what is there not to like about Captain America? Sure, he likes to do things by the book and his inability to bend the rules can sometimes hurt him, but overall, he’s an incredibly kind and brave character.

There’s a reason he is considered to be the true leader of the group because he is humble and does everything by example. He might get into arguments with people, but when he does it’s always something he believes in firmly, and never petty, which is why he’s so popular.

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