The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe began with 2008’s Iron Man and without its success, the highest-grossing movie franchise in history wouldn’t have happened. Wrapping up in 2013, Iron Man 3 completed the first official trilogy within the MCU. Though most characters appeared outside of these films, they got the most shine here.

The likes of James “Rhodey” Rhodes, Pepper Potts, and Natasha Romanoff all debuted in this series before becoming integral parts of the MCU’s future. Many of them were able to return later because they mostly came off as really likable in their early appearances as part of the Iron Man trilogy.

10 Harley Keener

A lot of fans didn’t really appreciate Harley Keener after the release of Iron Man 3. The kid felt like a bit of a thrown-in storyline for Tony Stark who otherwise didn’t play into the larger plot. However, multiple viewings of the film make him seem a bit more likable.

Harley is just a kid who finds it cool that he’s hanging out with a superhero. He gains sympathy and shares something with Tony in their absentee dads. Other than that and a few funny lines though, he didn’t quite hit with fans. Harley means a bit more when viewed as an early preview of Tony’s dynamic with Peter Parker.

9 Nick Fury

Over the years, fans have really grown to love Nick Fury. His first appearance after the credits in Iron Man set the stage for what would eventually become 2012’s The Avengers. Fury ended up playing a pivotal role in Iron Man 2, which was his most significant appearance until the team-up film.

Fury would rank higher in most situations. He was a highlight of Captain Marvel and is a lot of fun in multiple Avengers films. That said, he didn’t get a ton to do in the movie other than be the guy setting things up. He was likable but not a big enough factor.


8 Trevor Slattery

Considering this is a list about likable characters, it won’t feature any villains. The closest thing to a bad guy is Trevor Slattery. When Iron Man 3 began, he came across as the terrorist The Mandarin, who was on video murdering people and ordering an attack on Tony Stark’s house.

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The big twist was that it was all staged, as Slattery was simply an actor paid to play the role. His scenes are legitimately among the funniest in the entire MCU’s history. He may not have been a good person but he was highly entertaining and that made fans like him.

7 Ho Yinsen

Considering how long ago Iron Man was released, it can be difficult to remember Ho Yinsen. However, those fans who do can recall that he was pretty great. Yinsen was a doctor who was also held captive by the Ten Rings and that’s where he met Tony Stark.

Although Yinsen didn’t get a ton of time on the screen, he made the most of it. The bond he forms with Tony is a meaningful one and he helps Tony escape, which sets the tone for his entire arc as a hero. Yinsen had a small but pivotal role and was likable for it.

6 Happy Hogan

After directing the first two installments of the series, Jon Favreau stepped down from the third but remained on as an actor to play Happy Hogan. At the start of the series, he’s simply a bodyguard for Tony though that becomes a rather laughable position when Tony becomes Iron Man.

Happy still hangs around to be of value. He gets some funny scenes fighting against and with Black Widow in Iron Man 2 before gaining sympathy due to an injury he suffers in Iron Man 3. The whole time, Happy is pretty much a delight and likable person.

5 Phil Coulson

Fans didn’t know his first name until The Avengers but Phil Coulson indeed showed up several times beforehand. The first time came in a small appearance in Iron Man. He spoke with Pepper Potts on possibly recruiting Tony Stark for some kind of mission.

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His scenes were short but enjoyable. Coulson got more to do in the 2010 sequel, where he was basically put on babysitting duty to keep Tony at home. Like Yinsen, Coulson wasn’t around a ton but he always made sure to be one of the best parts of his given scenes.

4 Natasha Romanoff

Most people will associate Natasha Romanoff with The Avengers movies or the Captain America trilogy. She appears in all of the former and two of the three in the latter series. However, she actually got her start in the MCU in Iron Man 2, first posing as an assistant for Pepper Potts.

When it was revealed that she was Black Widow, fans got to see her kick some serious butt in one of the better action scenes of the series. From her flirtatious moments with Tony to her sharp wit, Natasha was, as she always has been, a beloved character with MCU fans.

3 James Rhodes

Getting past the Terrence Howard to Don Cheadle switch after the first installment, the friendship between Tony Stark and James Rhodes is one of the best in the MCU. In the first movie, the two hung out a bit, had a party on a plane, and seemed to really get along.

Over the course of the later films, that bond grew a bit more. It was especially clear when looking at the chemistry that Robert Downey Jr. had with Don Cheadle. Rhodes was always there for his best friend, even though he did testify against him, and acted as the needed voice of reason pretty often.

2 Pepper Potts

Speaking of being the voice of reason, that’s who Pepper Potts was on occasion. She started the trilogy out as Tony’s assistant and not much more. However, she was someone who Tony trusted. That allowed their relationship to blossom into something more as Tony became a better person.

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Pepper and Tony’s love story was certainly welcome but it was even better how she came across as her own strong woman first. Before anything romantic was confirmed, Pepper moved up in the company, stood up for herself, and proved to be pretty brilliant. Getting to see her beat up Killian after being exposed to Extremis was the icing on the cake.

1 Tony Stark

There really couldn’t be anyone else at the top. Tony Stark is immensely likable during this trilogy. Even when he starts things off as nothing more than a jerk, Stark is still wildly charismatic and it’s must-see entertainment whenever he speaks or does anything. His arc in the first movie is also great.

He learns how to be a better person and a great superhero, which makes him even more likable. In later movies, he struggles with his own mortality and nearly dying, which made him vulnerable and in turn, relatable. There’s a reason why having Iron Man in a movie makes it such a blockbuster. He’s beloved.

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